Deutsch Intern

    Application, Forms & Downloads

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    Auf dieser Seite finden Sie Bewerbungsformulare und Vorlagen für eine Bewerbung im International Office. Folgende Programme stehen zur Auswahl (eine Bewerbung auf mehrere Programme gleichzeitig ist möglich und kann Ihre Chancen auf einen Studienplatz im Ausland erhöhen):


    • Partnerschaftsstipendien 
    • Erasmus-Programm
    • Studierendenaustausch der Coimbra Group

    Für die Bewerbung in Ihrer Fakultät (Erasmus+, sonstige Fachbereichsprogramme) gelten andere Bedingungen. Bitte erkundigen Sie sich bei den zuständigen Erasmus-Fachkoordinator/-innen in Ihrer Fakultät.

    Our Exchange Programs

    • Partner programs in Europa: Caen, Salamanca, Luzern 
    • Partner programs International: Asia, USA, Latin America

    You are welcome to apply for several of our programs at the same time. This will increase your chances of getting an exchange spot. Please note what programs you are applying for on your online application. Be certain to consider your selection carefully. 

    Please note: If your faculty also has an exchange with one of the partner universities listed here, please apply directly in your faculty for the exchange spot. If you do not receive a spot through your faculty, we can then check if there are any remaining spots. Please get in touch with us to ask.

    Application Period

    For exchanges during Winter Semester 22025/26 or Summer Semester 2026, the online application will be available in our Online-Bewerbungsportal from November 15th at 00:01 a.m. to January 15th at 23:59 p.m. You can register in our online system at any time. The application, however, can only be submitted during the above-listed time. 

    Application Documents Required

    Important: The following PDF forms must be completed in one sitting. They cannot be saved.

    • Letter of Motivation (in Englisch)
    • Resume (in English)
    • Gutachten - Only this Letter of Recommendation form will be accepted for the application. Our guidelines for the Letter of Recommendation can be found here: Hinweise zum Gutachten The guidelines will answer many of your questions.
    • Transcript of Records (List of all courses with grades from WueStudy (in English))
    • Confirmation of Language Proficiency. The test can be no more than 2 years old. Please read our guidelines for the Confirmation of Language Proficiency here: Hinweise zum Sprachnachweis
    • Students in a Master's Degree program: Copy of Bachelor's Degree



    Helpful Documents

    • Please read our guidelines for an application in the Worldwide Mobility Office: Hinweise zur Bewerbung für Programme des International Office
    • Students who are not in the Erasmus program do not require a Learning Agreemen. However, it can be helpful for your partner university and your faculty at the University of Würzburg. Please read our guidelines for the Learning Agreement here:  Hinweise  Students in the Erasmus program are required to submit a completed Learning Agreement.
    • After your exchange program, you will need to submit an Experience Report. You can read the guidelines for the Experience Report here: Hinweise.
    • Confirmation of Attendance