UNI WÜRZBURG COMMUNITY - 1000 Careers One Story

Dr. Shalini Singh, India

Dr. Shalini Singh, India

1. Please describe your (scientific) work/research in a short way.

I am a Policy Analyst (Center for Policy Analysis, India) a Senior Consultant (PLC Advocates, India) and a Senior Researcher (International Institute for Lifelong & Adult Education, India). Currently, I am a Visiting Faculty and Researcher at the Helmut Schmidt University of the Federal German Army, Hamburg, Germany. I have been teaching and doing research in Denmark, Germany, Slovenia and India. My current areas of interest include: Resource Mobilisation, Stakeholders' Engagement, Employability, Impact Assessment, Digitalisation, Sustainability, Comparative Studies and Working with Sources in Research. I have been working as a practitioner (in slum and village projects in India) and as a professional both inside and outside India. My perspective is therefore based on micro and macro-level experiences and insights. Apart from my work, I am a volunteer for Prevention of Sexual Harassment at Workplace.

2. Which aspect of a sustainable life, work and research is especially relevant for you and why?

For me, sticking to a single aspect of sustainable life, work and research is in itself not quite sustainable in itself. Sustainability needs change and adaptation according to contextual needs. Therefore, the only permanent aspect is progressive change and progressiveness here again, is contextual. However, resource mobilisation is the most concrete and core component for my work at present.

3. What would be your wish for the future (and why) with this regard?

I wish for more structured resource mobilisation and allocation and engagement of as many stakeholders as possible in the policy-making processes so that the most disadvantaged and excluded ones have at least the minimum to survive. Expecting resources for everyone equally would be too utopian and unrealistic but I wish that everyone has enough to live a decent, dignified life.

4. How is the Corona crisis affecting you in your every-day life and work?

The loss of loved ones, the lack of medical facilities, poverty due to economic losses, starvation and insensitivities of many people and organisations despite all this has been psychologically devastating for me. However, the crisis has also revolutionised work environments. Many old ways of teaching, learning and related work became obsolete while new ways came up and are still evolving. I am learning something new everyday and trying to keep myself posted. I have many new opportunities now (for instance I can teach in India frequently while being in Germany physically) and I feel that the resistance to change and becoming globally integrated has gone down, at least in academia. Since I like to work unconventionally and adore new ways of working, I am optimistic, geared-up and constantly exploring how to add quality and fun to my and others' life and work despite all challenges.