  • Slider für die MINT-Sommerschulen

Peter Arnt Nielsen im Welzhaus


Am Mittwoch, 12. Februar 2020, veranstaltet das Siebold-Collegium im Welzhaus (Klinikstraße 6) um 19 Uhr einen Gastvortrag in englischer Sprache. Das Thema: Internationale Handelsdispute.

Peter Arnt Nielsen is professor at Copenhagen Business School and external professor at the College of Europe, Bruges. He conducts research in and teaches Danish and international arbitration, mediation, and litigation, and Danish and international contract law.

He is and has been member of several national and international legislative committees and working groups in the European Union and the Hague Conference for Private International Law where he has participated in the drafting of a number of instruments on Civil and commercial litigation. He is also member of Groupe européen de droit international privé and the International Academy of Comparative Law.

In his guest lecture, “The Global Regulation of International Commercial Litigation and Arbitration”, Nielsen will discuss the challenges in the regulation of international commercial dispute settlement, where arbitration still is superior to litigation. The presentation and the following discussion are open for the public and will be held in English. All interested parties are welcome.
