'Time to Consider it': Immigrant Regret and Redemption in Colm Tóibín’s 'Long Island'
Guest Lecture: Prof. Kate Costello-Sullivan (Le Moyne College, NY, USA)
Datum: | 27.05.2025, 12:00 - 14:00 Uhr |
Kategorie: | Vorlesung |
Ort: | Online |
Veranstalter: | Irish Studies Würzburg |
Vortragende: | Prof. Kate Costello-Sullivan |
Am 27. Mai 2025 findet Online ein Gastvortrag von Prof. Kate Costello-Sullivan über Colm Tóibín’s Buch 'Long Island' statt.
In his review of Colm Tóibín’s 2009 novel Brooklyn, New York Times reviewer Alex Witchel hauntingly captures the dilemma confronting Eilis Lacey upon her return to Ireland: ‘A central question for Eilis Lacey…is: Do you relinquish whatever identity you’ve built to collapse back into…the warm embrace of family and small town that long ago defined you as so much less? And if that is what ‘home’ means, is that where you want to be?’[i] Tóibín’s sequel, Long Island, picks up with Eilis (Lacey) Fiorello, now a mother and a betrayed wife, and invites us to reconsider and reframe what this kind of “return” can mean. In this presentation, I argue that Long Island confronts the thorny issues not only of immigration, but also of life choices and regret. I suggest that the novel ultimately reflects powerfully on what it means to “go home again;” what the relationship between place and identity is; and what the costs of such a decision are, not only for an individual, but for all those with whom one’s life intersects.
If you are interested in participating in this online event, please sign up by submitting this registration form or sending an email with the subject line “COSTELLO-SULLIVAN” to irishstudies@uni-wuerzburg.de by May 25, 2025. Please include your full name and affiliation.
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