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Inside the Czech School

Titel der Reihe "Schools and teaching around the globe"
Datum: 03.06.2024, 13:00 - 14:00 Uhr
Kategorie: Veranstaltung, Vortrag
Ort: via Zoom
Veranstalter: BaTEG (University of Bamberg), FAU Lehramt International (University of Erlangen-Nuremberg), global.trex Passau (University of Passau) and GoTEd (University of Würzburg)

Am 03.06.2024 von 13:00 - 14:00 Uhr, findet online via Zoom der zweite Vortrag der Veranstaltungsreihe "Schools and teaching around the globe" statt. Der Vortrag beschäftigt sich mit dem Tschechischen Schulsystem und weiteren interessanten Fakten darüber. Der Vortrag wird in Englischer Sprache gehalten.

What is school like in other countries? How does teaching in Europe differ from teaching in other parts of the world? Which challenges are similar, which are unique to a particular region? This inter-university lecture and workshop series will present international perspectives on schools and teacher education.

This initiative, a result of collaboration among four Bavarian universities under the 'Lehramt.International' programme by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), aims to address students, teachers and teacher educators alike. The Lehramt.International projects BaTEG (University of Bamberg), FAU Lehramt International (University of Erlangen-Nuremberg), global.trex Passau (University of Passau), and GoTEd (University of Würzburg) have joined forces since 2021 to foster the exchange of best practices and initiatives for improving the conditions for internationalizing teacher education in Bavaria.

About the lecture

Dr. Petra Besedová, Univerzita Hradec Králové: Inside the Czech School

In the upcoming lecture titled "Inside the Czech School," we delve into the multifaceted nature of the Czech education system, providing a comprehensive overview that spans the structure, daily operations, and current challenges facing educators and students alike. This presentation aims to offer a holistic view of Czech schooling, juxtaposing the systemic framework with the day-to-day realities experienced within the school environment.

Following Program

24.06.2024, Universität Passau
Dr. Zelda Barends (Stellenbosch University), Prof. Dr. Chris Reddy (Stellenbosch University): A national curriculum for many dispirit contexts?

08.07.2024, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
Dr. Heidi Lindsverk (University of South-Eastern Norway; video introduction); Andre Fritzøe (University of South-Eastern Norway) and  Laura Pechmann (Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg):
Outdoor education in Norway (FAU – University of South-Eastern Norway

Outdoor education programmes are widespread in Norway. They draw upon the theories and practices of experiential and environmental education, making use of the local environment of kindergartens and schools to provide real-life educational experiences. The lecture will provide insight into different approaches to planning and implementing outdoor education in Norway. After a short introduction to the foundations of outdoor education, you will gain insight into the practical aspects of this educational programme in everyday school life from a Norwegian student in teacher education. An exchange student from FAU will then report on her experience visiting university courses on outdoor education in Norway, highlighting the differences and similarities compared to teacher education in Bavaria.

Weitere Informationen finden Sie auf der Website der Universität Bamberg

