English Intern
UNI WÜRZBURG COMMUNITY - 1000 Careers One Story

Irish evening

Datum: 17.04.2024, 17:45 Uhr
Vortragende: Emma Phelan & Prof. Dr. Maureen O’Connor

Mixture of Literature and Language

Emma Phelan (Bild: Privat) & Maureen O'Connor (Bild:Privat)

We would like to warmly invite you to an english Zoom exchange! We have two speakers and think, it will be an interesting mix of literature and language with an focus on Irelang.

Prof. Dr. Maureen O’Connor will talk about:
This talk will recount decades of personal and professional engagement with this iconic author, from a 1999 call for papers for a special issue of Women's Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal, to spending an afternoon with the writer in her Kensington home, to a series of encounters in Ireland, ending with a live online interview in 2021, which is likely to be our last interaction.

Emma Phelan will follow with:
With the proliferation of AI use in our lives, this is a quick personal look at how it has impacted a university language classroom to date. And moving on from a ‘help’ reaction to a what next with a look at a few tools.   


Meeting-ID: 672 5920 9216
Passwort: 422543
