UNI WÜRZBURG COMMUNITY - 1000 Careers One Story


A neuroscientist from Nigeria remembers his time Würzburg


Professor James Olopade, neuroscientist and former Guest Researcher at Würzburg University from Nigeria talked about his time here in an interview.

Photo: private

Professor Olopade, how would you describe your work in a short way to a non-professional?
I do research work on the brain as a scientist, and treat small animals (dogs) as a Veterinarian in University of Ibadan, Nigeria.

And your science in a short way to a professional?
I am a Neuroscientist. I work on Comparative Anatomy of the Brain and Skull, Effects on Environmental Toxins on the Brain, and investigate viruses that affect the nervous system; I do calls as a Consultant Small Animal Physician.

What are the most highly valued challenges and chances in your job?
As Director of the Veterinary Teaching Hospital, I have the responsibility to see to it that the different clinics and laboratories in the Veterinary Hospital function in synergy for proper diagnosis and treatment, and prevention of animal diseases.

What would you recommend to students in your country trying to follow a similar career?
A long period of hard work is needed in your youth (25-40 years old), to be proficient as a clinician and a scientist.

What is your best memory of your time in Wuerzburg?
I had the liberty to work in the lab at normal and odd hours, the people of the town are friendly and the town is well organized.
