UNI WÜRZBURG COMMUNITY - 1000 Careers One Story


Photo impressions of Alumni meetings


Alumnus Prof. Kassa Darge is Radiologist-in-Chief & Chair, Dept. of Radiology, am Children's Hospital of Philadelphia.

Fotos: Alumnibüro der Universität Würzburg

Katharina Göthner, Head of the Service Center International Affairs of the University of Wuerzburg met Prof. Darge in May 2018 when she was on an Educational fair in Philadelphia. Soon we will present our little interview with him.

Photos from left to right side:

Another meeting took place coincidentely when Prof. Maoling Bu (Associate Professor at the School of Business of the Nanjing University) met Alumna Dr. Barbara Witt in a bookshop in Taipei.

And last but not least an impression of a meeting in South Africa where the Alumni couple Dr. Gisela Blumenauer and Dr. Wilfried Blumenauer met Alumus Rainer Schlossbauer and his wife.

The regional Alumni group in Berlin asked many questions - Dr. Christopher Schmidt, working as Alumnus at the 'Auswärtige Amt' could answer them all :).

Alumna Dr. Julia Eykalis is lecturer at the partner University of the JMU in Samara, one of the locations of the football championship.

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