UNI WÜRZBURG COMMUNITY - 1000 Careers One Story

European Days

European Days at the University of Wuerzburg

9 - 13 of october 2013

After the devastating impact of World War II, Europe again found itself in ruins facing its long and violent history of conflict and war. Today the 28 member states of the European Union live side by side in a state of constant cooperation.

It not only created an extensive domestic market with over 500 million inhabitants, but also embedded the principles of democracy, equality, rule of law, and respect for human rights in its Charter. Despite this story of success, the European community cannot ignore that a multitude of acute, chronic, economic, and political challenges stand in its way. 

An international network of alumni could give momentum to finding a solution to these challenges by offering their knowledge and experience. Next to the strengthening and renewal of valuable social contacts, developing long-term exchange programs between the University and the international alumni will be one of the main goals.

The core Alumni group participating the European Days at the University consist of the following Alumni - some arrive with their partners at their former University:

Catherine Allen, Law, Partner Mason Hayes & Curran, Ireland

Prof. Dr. Jean Mawhin, Mathematics, Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium

Prof. Dr. Marco Buzzoni, Philosophy, University of Macerata, Italy

Dr. Mile Ivanda, Physics, Ruder Boskovic Institute, Croatia

Mladen Mladenov, Law, Solicitor, Ibi Group, Bulgaria

Prof. Dr. Adam Borkowski, Computer Sciences, Robotics, Institut für Grundlagenforschung an der Akademie der Wissenschaften, Poland

Prof. Jarmo Korhonen, German languages and literature studis, University of Helsinki, Finnland

Prof. Dr. Rocio da Riva, Altorientalistik, University of Barcelona, Spain

Zsuzsanna Fresz, German languages and literature, Publisher, Hungary

Barbara Clancy, Law, Attorny Rugby Board, Ireland

Eric Lelarge, Law, Solicitor, Lelarge et Arendt SELARL, France

Prof. Dr. Maria Schnitter, Philosophy and Ethnology, Paisij von Hilendar University, Bulgaria

Susanna Dahl, Teacher, Malmö Friskola, Sweden

Bertrand Gallet, Chemistry, Purolite, France

Prof. Dr. Vedad Smailagic, Germanistik, University of Sarajewo, Bosnia y Herzegovina

Prof. Dr. Arif Ünal, German language and literature, Sakarya University, Turkey

Dr. Irina Malkin-Odnik, Chemistry, P-Mat, Slovakia

Dr. Martin Durdovic, Philosophy, Institute of Sociology, Akademie der Wissenschaften, Czech Republic

Dr. Paolo Biagioni, Physics, Polytecnico di Milano, Italy

Prof. Matjaz Potrc, Philosophy, Slovenia