UNI WÜRZBURG COMMUNITY - 1000 Careers One Story

Dr. Alicia Ponte-Sucre

What does sustainable work and research mean to you? (not only in the ecological context)

Being active, take over responsibility and exchange experience and knowledge with others in

order to consolidate a world where sustainable living plays an increasing role in everybody’s life.'Being sustainable, acting reasonable and resourceful', is becoming increasingly important

globally, and for any type of work you do. What we do today will affect people and generations. We as researchers at the universities have a huge responsibility since our institutions are key elements in training professionals and researchers and creating knowledge for the present and coming generations. Therefore, we are not only pioneers but heroes in the challenge we are facing to change concepts to understand how responsible we are all to sustain the world.


In your opinion, what needs to be done to make the world more peaceful?

Peaceful relationships arise from positive reciprocity and positive reciprocity comes from recognition and dynamic positive interactions. And this must include the way all members of the society, beginning with those that are responsible of guiding the country (civil and religious authorities), or informing the society (journalists) or teaching the people (educators) behave and transmit the message. And this has to be continuously since like democracy, peace cannot be taken for granted. Both have to be cultivated, studied, analyzed and transmitted to the next generations. And the individuals, the society, the countries (for example) have all to be convinced that this is the way. Otherwise, it will not work. And all this has to include motivations, knowledge of ways on how to think and organize issues, positive emotions towards your neighbors and actions that have to be taken continuously to reinforce the peace in your local community and at the end in your society and in the world. This all means that compassion and compromise, as well as identity and education and confidence, opportunities and integration are a must to really be successful. And the seed comes from peaceful families full of positive interchanges in their everyday behavior.


How do you plan to share the results of the forum in a lasting way?

What I would like to do to share the results of the forum is that as knowledge production is a global matter and since I am researcher and a Full Professor at the Central University in

Venezuela, my teaching activities will help me to spread the news of the forum.


Which animal would you consider the better human?

This is a very difficult question to answer... Why? Because I believe that we humans are animals denying our animal origin and also because we are living in the Anthropocene, we regret about the resources we can learn from our partners in nature, animals. And do not ask me about plants!!!! I love their generosity and their positive way of living. They are grateful for any drop of water that reaches them and can help them to live and be more generous. So, I believe I cannot answer this question appropriately. I would like rather to discover again the animal that is inside me as well as the true place, we should occupy in the world we are regrettably destroying.