UNI WÜRZBURG COMMUNITY - 1000 Careers One Story

Dr. Shalini Singh

What does sustainable work and research mean to you? (not only in the ecological context)

Sustainable work for me means the work that allows to maintain work-life balance, gives opportunities to learn new things and ensures that everyone has equal opportunities for overall development in the long-run. It should be a constructive contribution to not only personal development but also for the society as a whole and help to make the world, a better place to live in. This includes economic, social and environmental aspects. Sustainable work should make people free from dependence and allow them to live their lives to the fullest, without compromising the possibilities for future generations. Sustainable research should aim at finding the most constructive ways for making lives better for everyone and providing them opportunities for constructive engagement with each other and with the society.


In your opinion, what needs to be done to make the world more peaceful?

Reducing inequalities, providing equal opportunities for everyone without discrimination and focussing on how not to exclude any more in social, economic and political aspects of life rather than focussing upon “who can we include more.” We need to stop hatred and violence as it has no end and understand that there is nothing like ‘just violence’ and ‘justified hatred.’ The sense of competitiveness has to be constructive, if it should be there at all. The ideal situation to be stop thinking in terms of ‘us’ and ‘them’ but till this remains a Utopia, we need to understand that cooperation has much more potential than competition for ensuring peace. Everyone needs to start from doing their own bit!


How do you plan to share the results of the forum in a lasting way?

I am action-oriented so I will include the results it in my day to day life and my work (my publications, teaching and supervision). Everyone around me can see the change in a concrete manner.


Which animal would you consider the better human?

I have no qualified opinion since choosing one and leaving others is difficult!