UNI WÜRZBURG COMMUNITY - 1000 Careers One Story

Luiz Eduardo Garcia


What does sustainable work and research mean to you? (not only in the ecological context)

Sustainability is a key word for every human activity nowadays. In our eating habits, living and commuting every aspect of our lives has something to do with sustainability. Sustainable work and research means a practical, economically and environmentally efficient method of doing things. It has to be practical in order to be productive so we can deliver what is expected from our research and work. Economically efficient in the sense that we are not overspending resources on issues that do not require much financial support. Environmentally friendly in the way that we do not cause harm to nature. Sustainability in this sense means that our research and work can be replicated and maintained for a long range frame of time regardless of the dimension we are looking at.


In your opinion, what needs to be done to make the world more peaceful?

Peace can only be achieved when economic and political inequality is sufficed or at least reduced to bearable levels. Inequality affects us all in many different ways. Reduced women and minorities political representation tends to stress social policymaking. Economic inequalities are a source of violence, corruption which also cause social unrest. The basis of any action to be taken that aims to reduce world inequality, hence making the world a more peaceful place, is to empower those who are at the margin of the economic and political spheres. Democracy should be deepened in contexts that are on the brink of political distress. Affirmative actions can also make the world a more peaceful place by giving voice to those who have demands that are not being heard due to their marginalized situation.


How do you plan to share the results of the forum in a lasting way?

My idea is to share the views and results of the forum at work (company and University) and other events I attend. The idea is to bring along the different views and aspects of the debate raised during the event into my research (papers, book chapters and lectures). It is important to share the fact that there are people all over the world discussing subjects such as sustainability, peace and shed light on the ideas presented. Long lasting dialogues, reflections and rephrame of ideas is always the best solution to keep developing a sustainable research and work.


Which animal would you consider the better human?

I would consider birds. They can move quickly, they have the ability to see things from a wider perspective at the same time as they can zoom in whenever they are looking for something that interests them. They are smart enough to understand when it is time to move from one place to another, always looking for a better place to live. Plus, everything they do is sustainable and long lasting at the same time.