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UNI WÜRZBURG COMMUNITY - 1000 Careers One Story

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Fachgruppe Geografie

Die FachgruppensprecherInnen sind: Professorin Dr. Barbara Sponholz und Dr. Michael Thiel

Landnutzung und damit der Anbau von Feldfrüchten ist in vielen Ländern noch der Schlüssel zur Ernährung der Bevölkerung. Gerade im Kontext der zu erwartenden klimatischen Veränderungen wird erwartet, dass ohne Anpassungsstrategien die Versorgung mit ausreichenden und gesunden Nahrungsmitteln immer schwieriger wird. Die Fachgruppe Geographie arbeitet daran, Daten, Informationen und neue Methoden zur Unterstützung der Entwicklung solcher Anpassungsstrategien bereitzustellen.

Dr.  Jean-Bosco Benewindé Zoungrana, Burkina Faso

Our Alumnus holds an Ph. D. degree in Climate Change and Land Use and worked as a Climate change researcher at the West African Science Center on Climate Change and Adapted land use. Currently he is a scientific coordinator at the Wascal Doctoral School of informatics for climate change and a senior lecturer and researcher at the Université Joseph Ki-Zerbo of Ouagadougou in Burkina Faso. His research interests are climate change Mitigation/Adaptation and remote sensing for natural resource management and land use. Portrait


Dr. Sani Ibrahim, Niger

Sani Ibrahim is a researcher at the Abdou Moumouni University of Niamey, Niger and is researching on past climate and landscapes reconstruction.  His fields and interests are focused on new geomorphological processes, landscapes and ecological modifications occurring in dry lands, particularly in Sahelian and Saharian zone in Niger. He is currently teaching geosciences with the focus geomorphology and applied hydrologie at the Abdou Moumouni University of Niamey-Niger. Portrait

Dr. Mahmoud Ibrahim Mahmoud, Nigeria

Dr. Mahmoud Ibrahim Mahmoud works as a Gespatial Scientist in Abuja,  Nigeria. Lately, he has been working on Satellite-based Gas Flare Tracking for improved environmental regulation and revenue generation. Also, he served as a field-ICT and Geographic Information System (GIS) consultant to the Nigeria Incentive-Based Risk Sharing System for Agricultural Lending (NIRSAL Plc.). Portrait

Fidelcastor Kimario, Tanzania

Fidelcastor Kimario works as a Senior community-based conservation Officer in the Wildlife Department at the  Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism in Tanzania. He is responsible for community wildlife management areas and wildlife corridors. Portrait


Other participants of this group
- Dr. Mensa Yaw Asare, Ghana
- Dr. Noellie Ahou Yao, Côte d' Ivoire
- Dr. Ingrid Stengel, Namibia


Fachgruppe Chemie/Medizin

FachgruppensprecherInnen Professorin Dr. Leane Lehmann und Professorin Dr. Helga Stopper

Die Versorgung mit sicheren Lebensmitteln stellt eine weltweite Herausforderung dar. Die schnelle Linderung akuter Missstände erfolgt immer noch häufig auf Kosten der Umwelt oder der Gesundheit aktueller und zukünftiger Generationen. Gerade in Schwellenländern oder Krisengebieten ist zudem die mikrobielle und chemische Sicherheit nicht einfach zu gewährleisten. Die Erforschung der Möglichkeit der Nutzung lokaler Ressourcen sowie eine nachhaltige Art der Produktion von tierischen Lebensmitteln können helfen, aktuelle Versorgungsprobleme nachhaltiger zu lösen. Oft obliegt Frauen die Verantwortung für die Lebensmittelzubereitung. In Gebieten mit schwieriger Lebensmittelversorgung sind deshalb Schulungen von Frauen ein wertvolles Mittel zur Vermeidung von Fehl- und Unterernährung.

Guy Eshun, Ghana

Guy Eshun studied chemistry and food science & technology at the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology in Kumasi and he currently is the acting head of the Department of Food and Nutrition Education of the University of Education, Winneba in Ghana. His research is focused on re-discovering traditional plants as sustainable protein sources and his interests are in healthy diets and lifestyles. His current area of research is locally available underutilized legumes, which will help augment the effort aimed at alleviating double burden of malnutrition. The research contributes to effort towards achieving the first three SDGS (Sustainable Development Goals).Portrait

Dr. Lilian Nassi Calò, Brazil

Dr. Calo is a chemist, she was a humboldt scholarship holder at the JMU. Today she is a Coordinator Coordinator of Scholarly Communication at BIREME, which is a specialized Center of the Pan American Health Organization/World Health Organization in São Paulo, Brazil. She also  assist journal editors and  writes for a Scholarly Communication blog.Portrait

Dr. Ghanya Al-Naqeb, Italy

Dr. Ghanya Al-Naqeb is a nutritional scientist and researcher at the Centre Agriculture Food Environment at the University of Trento in Italy. She is an associated Professor of Nutritional Science at the Sana’a University in Yemen. Her research is focused on determination of bioactive compounds of selected Yemeni plants regarding safty evaluation and genotoxicity and also biological activities and mechanism of food and herbal medicine of the Yemeni society in the area of diabetes, cardiovascular diseases. Portrait

Dr. Iddya Karunasagar, India

Dr. Iddya Karunasagar holds a PhD degree in Microbiology and is currently Senior Director for International Relations at the Nitte University in Mangalore, India. He is a former Senior Fishery Industry Officer in the Aquaculture and Fisheries Department at Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations and served as a National Professor of the Indian Council of Agricultural Research. He has worked on several food safety problems associated with fish and fishery products such as microbiological pathogens and biotoxins. As a researcher, he worked in several countries including the United States, United Kingdom, Germany and Japan.  Portrait

Dr. Nelly Babayan, Armenia

Dr. Nelly Babayan studied and did a doctorate in biology at the Yerevan State University, Armenia. She worked several years on the development and implementation of 3Rs concept (Replacement, Reduction and Refinement of experiments in vivo) of Toxicology in Armenia. She currently is the head of the laboratory of Cell Technologies at the Institute of Molecular Biology of NAS and a senior lecturer in molecular cell biology and cell/gene technologies at the Russian-Armenian University both in Armenia. Portrait


Prof. Dr. Berta Schulz, Chile

Prof. Dr. Berta Schulz works as Assistant Professor at the chair of Toxicology at the school of Pharmacy at the University of Concepción. Her focus of research is the effect of toxic compounds on fish and diverse cell lines, and genotoxicity of human occupational exposure like fume on firefighter. Portrait

Fachgruppe Theologie/Philosophie

FachgruppensprecherInnen: Professorin Dr. Michelle Becka, Professor Dr. Karl Mertens und Professor Dr. Chibueze C. Udeani

Philosophische und moraltheologische Fragestellungen dienen als Leitgedanken und erschließen Gedankenpotential und Erklärung sowie Handlungsmuster. Aktuelle Fragestellungen zur Ethik, Gendergerechtigkeit und Dialogfähigkeit ergänzen die Thematik.

Rowland Onyenali, Nigeria

Rowland Onyenali is a priest in charge of the information of seminiarians at the house of theology of the Claretian Missionaries in Enugu, Nigeria and a senior lecturer in biblical theology and biblical languages at the Spiritian International Schol of Theology in Attakwu, Nigeria. His interest in biblical/religious studies are on the impact of religion on the lives of people generally and especially on the lives of Nigerians. Portrait

Dr Edwin Anaegboka Udoye, Nigeria

Rev. Fr. Dr. Edwin Anaegboka Udoye Nigeria is the Executive Director Justice, Development and Peace/Caritas Archdiocese of Onitsha.  He did his post-graduate studies in Julius Maximillian University Wuerzburg, Germany in Pastoral Theology and Religious Education. He has been involved social and development work for more than eight years. He has piloted affairs on promoting Environmental Justice/Cleanliness and Good Governance by being giving voice to the poor, the marginalized and the vulnerable through good governance projects. Portrait

Dr Prasad Therovatu, India

Dr Prasad Theruvatu, a Catholic monk,  researched on "Ineffabilils in the Tought of Nicholas of Cusa", a German philosopher and works as a university teacher in India. How he copes - being a monk - with lockdown and social distancing, as well as more facts and explanations about his very interesting research you can read in his Portrait

Prof. Dr. Marta Inés Palacio, Argentina

Prof. Dr. Marta Inés Palacio studied philosophy at the National University of Córdoba and is Senior Lecturer in the Chair of History of Contemporary Philosophy at the Catholic University of Córdoba. Currently she is a Professor of the chair of scientific research and Methodology at the school of Languages ​​at the National University of Córdoba and visiting professor at several postgraduate courses at universities in the country and abroad. Her lines of research and theoretical interests are very broad and interdisciplinary. Portrait


Prof. Dr. Alicia Ponte-Sucre, Venezuela

Our Alumna holds a Magister Scientiarum in Biology from the Venezuelan Institute for Scientific Research & a Doctor of Sciences from the Central University of Venezuela. She is Full Professor in Human Physiology at the Faculty of Medicine, UCV. She leads a laboratory that focuses on understanding the physiology and exploring the pharmacology of neglected tropical diseases, such as leishmaniasis & trypanosomiasis, produced by the unicellular parasites Leishmania & Trypanosoma. Portrait


Prof. Dr. Raghavendra Gadagkar, India

Raghavendra Gadagkar is an eminent behavioural ecologist who is a non-resident Permanent Fellow at the Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin and a Foreign Honorary Member of the American Academy of Arts and Science. Currently he is Year of Science Chair Professor conferred by the Department of Science and Technology, India and Honorary Professor at the Centre for Ecological Sciences, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru. He established an outstanding research programme at the Centre for Ecological Sciences to study insect sociobiology, which, over the last three and a half decades. Portrait


Other participants of this group
- Prof. Dr. Contreras Colin, Mexiko
- Prof Der Nigel Hatton, United States


Fachgruppe Romanistik/Politikwissenschaft

FachgruppensprecherInnen: Dr. Julien Bobineau und Anja Zürn M.A

Lesen Sie mehr über die FachgruppensprecherInnen Dr. Julien Bobineau und Anja Zürn M.A. im Portrait.

Die Fachgruppe beschäftigt sich mit kultur- und politikwissenschaftlichen Zugängen innerhalb der Climate Change Policy und des Ecocriticsm insbesondere mit Hinblick auf Klimagerechtigkeit. Ausgehend von der Frage in welchen gesellschaftlichen, politischen und künstlerischen Räumen Klimagerechtigkeit verhandelt wird, sollen im Rahmen der Paneldiskussion folgende Aspekte diskutiert werden: Was verstehen wir unter Klimagerechtigkeit und wie kann diese – insbesondere vor dem Hintergrund verschiedener Kontexte und deren inhärenten Machtstrukturen –  erreicht werden?  Kulturelle Entwicklungen, die Einbeziehung von postkolonialen Grundsätzen sowie Gender-Perspektiven sollen bei der Debatte besondere Beachtung finden. Ziel des Austausches innerhalb der Fachgruppe ist die Erschließung einer globalen und inklusiven Perspektive auf den Klimagerechtigkeitsdiskurs und seine Implikationen.

Focussing on climate justice, the panel is interested in cultural and political science approaches to climate change policy and ecocriticsm. Starting from the question in which social, political and cultural spaces climate justice is negotiated, the discussion will concentrate on the following questions: What do we mean by climate justice and how can it be achieved – especially against the background of different contexts and their inherent power structures? Cultural developments, the inclusion of postcolonial principles as well as gender perspectives will be given special attention in the debate. The aim of the exchange within the panel is to open up a global and inclusive perspective on the climate justice discourse and its implications.

Dr. Bolanle. C. Simeon-Fayomi, Nigeria

Dr. Simeon-Fayomi Bolanle Clara teaches and researches into the areas of Innovative Teaching Methods, Soft skills & Employability/Entrepreneurship Education, Continuing Education & Training, and recently into Displaced /Refugees persons Education and Military Education. She is an associate professor of Adult education and Lifelong Learning in Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria. She was awarded the prestigious Bavarian Government Fellowship of the Siebold-Collegium-Institute for Advanced Studies (SCIAS) of the University of Wurzburg and serves as visiting professor to several Universities.Portrait

Dr. Shalini Singh, India

Dr. Shalini Singh has been teaching and doing research in Denmark, Germany, Solvenia and India. She worked as a Policy Analyst, Senior Consultant and Senior Researcher in India and is currently employed as a Visiting Faculty and Researcher at the Helmut Schmidt University of the federal German Army in Hamburg, Germany. Portrait

Prof. Dr. Olanike Deji, Nigeria

Prof. Dr. Olanike Deji is a Professor of Agricultural Extension and Rural Sociology and a fellow of Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Germany. She spend more than 20 years in teaching, research and providing community development services at Obafemi Awolowo University in Ile Ife, Nigeria. Her major research interests are inclusive and sustainable innovation and technology adaptation, dissemination, and adoption studies. Currently she is interested in using gender framework to analyze the perspectives of the scientific and public. Portrait

Dr. Luiz Eduardo Garcia da Silva, Brazil

Luiz Eduardo Garcia da Silva is a Researcher of regional integration initiatives in Latin America. He is focusing on the Foreign Policies of Brazil and Mexico and its implications to regional economic development. His interests are the economic dimension of international relations specifically international trade theory and regional integration politics. Currently he is working on a research project regarding the feasibility of a currency union adoption in South America. Portrait

Dr. Yafa Shanneik, England

Dr. Shanneik works as a Lecturer in Islamic Studies at the University of Birmingham. She researches the dynamics and trajectories of gender in Islam within the context of contemporary diasporic and transnational Muslim women’s spaces. Currently, she is working on a project, which explores women’s narratives of transnational marriage practices performed by Iraqi and Syrian women who have settled in Europe and other countries in the Middle East since the 1980s. Portait

Prof Dr Nigel Hatton, United States

Prof Dr. Nigel Hatton received a dual PhD degree in Modern Thought & Literature and The Humanities with a minor in Political Theory from Stanford University. He now teaches as an Assistant Professor at UC Mercest, California. Portrait

Other participants of this group:
- Dr Anukaenyi Blessing, Nigeria
- Dr Hildegard Haberl, France
- Dr Annette Lensing, France