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UNI WÜRZBURG COMMUNITY - 1000 Careers One Story

Alumni-Netzwerk Ukraine - Deutschland

The Alumni Network Ukraine-Germany, supported by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) with funds from the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), was initiated by a consortium of 21 Ukrainian and German institutions from academia, politics, society and economy. It addresses Ukrainian alumni of German universities and everyone who is committed to German-Ukrainian cooperation. By establishing a thriving exchange of experience and knowledge, it aims at facilitating scientific, research and professional cooperation and supporting societal and economic development. 

Project goals

  • Promoting the professional and interdisciplinary training of Ukrainian alumni (e.g. on project and quality management, digitalisation and legal understanding)
  • Promoting the network between Ukrainian alumni and German institutions in science, business and society
  • Winning over alumni as multipliers, both with regard to an enhanced Ukrainian-German cooperation and to the development of democratic and market-economic structures
  • Increasing the visibility of German universities and scientific institutions in Ukraine and promoting new contacts and cooperation opportunities with Ukrainian institutions and alumni

Upcoming events: