UNI WÜRZBURG COMMUNITY - 1000 Careers One Story


In anticipation of the EU-Egypt-Forum in November 2018 we proudly introduce our participants with short portraits:

Iman Abouhasan, Egypt

Our participant has a Bachelor from the Faculty of Fine Archeology, Egyptology department and is a double master degree student from the Helwan University and the University of Würzburg (in Museologie). She is in charge of the Children Museum at the Grand Egyptian Museum.

Prof. Dr. Alexandra Antoniouk, Ukraine

Our participant has graduated from Kyiv National University. She is the Deputy Director for Science in the Institute of Mathematics of NASU, in Ukraine. She is also the President of the Ukrainian Humboldt Club, representative of the Civic Society and takes part in various working groups of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

Anna Bachmann, Poland

Our participant has been working for several NGOs as project manager before she joined a think tank and became an analyst. Later she won a competition for a position at the media and PR department of the German Embassy where she is now responsible for its social media performance, daily press review etc.

Dr. Hana Bergerová, Czech Republic

Our participant is Associate Professor in German and Comparative linguistics at the an Evangelista Purkyne University in Usti nad Labem (Czech Republic). She is also the current Vice Dean of Student Affairs.

Prof. Dr. Bogdan Dolnicki, Poland

Our participant has studied at the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Silesia in Katowice. He later became a professor of legal science there. Today he is the Head of the Department of Law of Territorial Self-Government. He has published more than one hundred fifty academic papers.

Prof. Dr. Marco Buzzoni, Italy

Our participant has a diploma and postgraduate diploma in Philosophy. He is a Professor for Philosophy of Science in the Department of Humanistic Studies at the University of Macerata. He is also co-editor of the special issue "Epistemologia" of the Springer journal Axiomathes.

Dr. Ebaa El-Hossary, Egypt

Our participant studied pharmacy at Misr University for Science and Technology. After receiving his PhD he was selected for an Alexander von Humboldt postdoctoral fellowship in Würzburg. Today he is a Lecturer in Pharmaceutical Chemistry at the Modern University for Technology and Information.

Dr. Ashraf el-Senussi, Egypt

Our participant has a PhD in Egyptology from the Faculty of Archaeology at Cairo University. He is currently working as a researcher in the ministry of Antiquates and as a lecturer at Fayoum University, department of Egyptology.

Amgad Fouda, Egypt

Our participant has a Bachelor degree from the Faculty of Fine Arts, Painting Department at the Alexandria University. She also has a double masters degree from the Helwan University and the University of Würzburg in Museologie.

Zsuzsanna Frész, Austria/Hungary

Our participant has a Master's degree in German Literature and Language as well as in Media Communication. She worked as an editor at a technical journal  that focused on the subjects buildings and energy in Hungary. She is currently positioned as the CEO of said editing company.

Souzan Ibrahim, Egypt

Our participant graduated from the Faculty of Tourism and Hotel Management at the Helwan University. She has a master's degree in Museum Studies as a double degree student of the Universities of Helwan and Würzburg. She works as a tour guide and is founder of the organization "Museums for us".

Dr. Karl-Peter Jungius, Switzerland

Our participant after medical studies and his doctorate completed his education at the University Hospital Zurich where studied radiology and nuclear medicine. In this field he later started working at said Hospital. Today he works for affidea, a health care provider that has branches in several European countries.

Dr. Grzegorz Kowal, Poland

Our participant has a master's degree in German Philology from the University of Wroclaw, where he also received his PhD. He is now an assitant professor at the Institute for German Philology in Wroclaw and for the Institute of Linguistics in Częstochowa. 

Prof. Dr. Sergei Levchenko, Belarus

Our participant hold a PhD in Molecular Physics and is the Head of the Lab for Energy Efficiency and Systems Analysis of the A.V. Luikov Heat and Mass Transfer Institute at the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus.

Dr. Amal Mohsen, Egypt

Our participant is a Post doc. associate for the Organic Chemistry & Pharmaceutical Chemistry departments at the German University in Cairo. There she has also been working as a lecturer. She received her PhD in pharmaceutical Chemistry at the University of Würzburg.

Dr. Elisabeth Sobieczky, Austria

Our participant graduated from the JMU and received her PhD in Art History at the TU Berlin. She has since worked as an assistant researcher and teacher in Graz and in the museum sector in Germany and Austria. Today she teaches at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna and the Danube University in Krems.

Dr. Joanna Szczęk, Poland

Our participant works for the Faculty of Philology at the Institute of German Studies within the University of Wroclaw. Her scientific focus is linguistics (pragmalinguistics, phraseology, onomastics). She is also the head of the Section of Applied Linguistics at said institute.

Prof. Dr. Mauro Tulli, Italy

Our participant has a degree in Greek Literature as well as a Diploma in Classical Philology from the Rome University Sapienza. He had a Humboldt-Stiftung Scholarship at the University of Cologne and Würzburg. He is now the President of the PhD Programme “Scienze dell’Antichità e Archeologia”

Dr. Yafa Shanneik, Great Britain

Our participant has a BA in English Literature and Language from the University Yarmouk, Jordan and a PhD from the University of Würzburg in English Literature and Cultural Studies. She is currently a Lecturer in Islamic Studies at the University of Birmingham. Her research focuses on the dynamics and trajectories of gender in Islam within the context of contemporary diasporic and transnational Muslim women’s spaces.

Julia-Anna Sharamyeva, Greece

Our participant is alumna of the Ionian University, Department of Archives, Library Science and Museology. Her studies were Museology and New Museology. She was the first Erasmus student who came to Würzburg from Corfu in 2016 when the cooperation between the JMU and The Ionian University was established.

Julia Eykalis, Russia

Our participant is lecturer for German Philology at the partner University of the JMU, the Samara State Aerospace University. She has also taken part in our DAAD-Project Alumni-Network Ukriane-Germany. Her current studies focus on the problem of the language peculiarities of the German comics, their verbal and non-verbal components.

Prof. Dr. Matjaz Potrc, Slovenia

Our participant is a professor of philosophy at the Ljubliana University in Slovenia. He was an AvH Stipendiant in Munich Germany in the eigthies. He has written numerous books and articles and is currently working on co-authering the manuscript Space of Epistemic Reasons for Oxford UP.

Dr. Efrosini Papagiannuli, Great Britain

Our participant has graduated from the University of Wuerzburg in 1997 and moved to the UK after that for her AiP. She achieved her MD in Neurology and is now working as a consultant for Ophthalmology in East Kent. She is also interested in Medical Education and holds a post-graduate Diploma.

Ekaterina Ulyanova, Russia

Our participant has a degree for German studies and school pedagoy from the University of Bryansk. She focuses on text linguistics and comparative linguistics. Today she is language lecturer at the chair for foreign languages of the faculty for global politics and global economy, National Research University "Higher School of Economics" in Moskau, Russia.

Photos: All photos of participants are private