UNI WÜRZBURG COMMUNITY - 1000 Careers One Story

Euro-Indian Week

Europe meets India

From 1 – 8 July: It’s Euro-Indian Week at the University of Wuerzburg.

Organised by the Alumni Team, this week was dedicated to a range of topics including the historical, scientific and economical relationship between these two global regions. 19 european and indian alumni from the University of Wuerzburg, currently living in their homelands, returned to Wuerzburg to take part in this intercultural exchange.

India considers the European Union (EU) to be its most important trade partner. From the EU’s perspective, increasing ties with India, an aspiring economic power, is very important – and not just for reasons of trade. In a similar fashion to the EU, India is pursuing ambitious targets for its future. The educational budget, for example, is to be increased five-fold by 2012 – something that will affect the further development of its universities. This, in turn, opens up new possibilities for future collaborations with European universities and schools.

The programme schedule below describes the following photos chronologically.

We would like to say thank you very much to all lecturers and kind helpers!

Our international Alumni-Group of the Euro-Indian Week happily consisted of:

Prof. Francis D'Sa, Institute for the Study of Religion, Pune, India
Press text about Prof. Francis D'Sa

Prof. Dr. Matjaz Potrc, Department of Philosophy, University of Ljublijana, Slowenia

Mladen Mladenov, Lawyer, IBI Group, Sofia

Dr. Sunit Singh, Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology, Hyderabad, India

Dr. Vaidya Jayathirtha Rao, Deputy Director, Indian Institute of Chemical Technology, Hyderabad, India

Prof. Dr. Vijay Jindal, Member Governing Council of Nanotechnology Centres at Universities of Mumbai, Madras and Kolkata, India

Prof. Dr. Adam Borkowski, Polish Acadamy of the Sciences, Warsaw, Poland

Dr. Bavita Asthir, Senior Biochemist, Punjab Agricultural University, Punjab, India

Reverend Dr. James Kurianal, St. Peters Pontifical Institute, Bangalore

Prof. Dr. Vladimir G. Malkin, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Research Scientist, Slovak Academy of the Sciences, Bratislava, Slovakia

Dr. Shuba Gopal, Chairperson Microbiology, University of Mysore

Dr. Barbara Radulovic, Faculty of Mining and Geology, Belgrade University, Serbia

Dr. Elena Bogdan, Lecturer, Faculty of Medicine, Babes-Bolyai University, Romania

Prof. George Psaras, Section of Plant Biology, Department of Biology, University of Partras, Griechenland

Dr. Martin Saska, Fakultät für Mathematik und Informatik, Czech Technical University, Prague

Dr. Albena Todorova, Genetic Medico Diagnostic Laboratory GENICA, Laboratory Director, Sofia, Bulgarien

Dr. Prasad J. Theruvathu, Provost of the convent of the Karmeliten, Basel, Switzerland/Indien, Kerala
Press text about Dr. Theruvathu

Susanna Sjörström, Sweden

Dr. Anders Pilskog, Lawyer, European Free Trade Association, Brussels

We are very sad to announce that Prof. Lingadevaru Halemane, Director, Rangayana Theatre, Mysore died at June 8 2011 on a heart attack. We would have been delighted to meet him at the Euro-Indian Week in Wuerzburg.

Externe Bildergalerie:

Hier geht es zur Bildergalerie von Prof. Jürgen Kreft aus dem Organisationsteam "Opening Ceremony". Wir bedanken uns herzlich für diese Galerie:

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