UNI WÜRZBURG COMMUNITY - 1000 Careers One Story

Information in english language

Women and men are different

These differences can create chances and opportunities, though they are often experienced as negative, in private life as in work life. Lower payment and lower opportunities to get in higher positions are examples for the discrimination women experience in work life. On the other hand, men complain about disadvantages and gender discrimination they face when it comes to child custody or when they choose to work in the social sector.

The Alumni Office of the University of Würzburg organises in cooperation with the DAAD the first International Gender Week from 22 to 26 November 2010.

With the International Gender Week at the University of Würzburg, we try to focus on gender issues in terms of education, law and economy from an international point of view. Both men and women will be involved to discuss the gender topic in all its diversity. Everyone will share the experience in their native country in presentations, workshops and meetings with experts so that we can compare different situations and draw a conclusion at the end of the Gender Week.

Our topic will be discussed from an international point of view, with current and former students and professors of the University of Würzburg. In a first meeting, 15 international alumni will visit their former educational institution.

We invite you to take part in our project and jointly reveal answers for the maze-like gender topic!