UNI WÜRZBURG COMMUNITY - 1000 Careers One Story


Regional Chapter Contact Bulgaria: Albena Todorova


We would like to present our almuni Albana Todorova, our concat person for the regional chapter in Sofia.

Albana Todorova (Foto: Privat)

Albena, how would you describe your work to a non professional in a short way?
I am working with the human genetic information, which we get from our parents and transmit it to the offspring. If I detect problems in this information, it could be related to genetic disease. After the genetic disease is proved in the family, we can offer prenatal testing, to reassure healthy children to be born in the affected families.

What do you like the most about your work?
I mostly like the work with people. I am happy I can help them to have a healthy child.

How would you describe Sofia and which place you like there the most?
Sofia is my native town, still very alive, even in the very central part in the old town. It is overcrowded, but full of young people, coming to study  here. The mountain Vitosha offers possibilities for walking and skiing.  

What is your best memory of your time in Würzburg?
My best memory in Wuerzburg is related to the organized breakfast with colleagues and families along the Main river.  


Here some more information on her work:


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