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DAAD Alumni project "Creating Change"


Being active, taking responsibility and exchanging experience and knowledge is important in order to create a world where sustainable living, working and doing research plays an increasing role in everybody’s life.

This year’s DAAD forum ‚Creating change’ takes place from July 1st to July 7th 2022. The topic of sustainable living, working and researching is becoming ever more present and pressing as it affects all individuals and generations. Research and training institutions like universities play an important role in this matter as the Sustainability Code for Higher Education Institutions defines them as pioneers for change processes. Therefore, this year’s international alumni DAAD project will revolve around the topic of sustainability. Through the forum, the international and interdisciplinary participants have the opportunity to exchange, share and deepen their knowledge. The diverse programme, including lectures, group discussions, networking opportunities and more, brings together experts from different areas of research at eye level. The forum will take place in English language. You can find the preliminary programme here.

Food is one important component of our everyday living. With its ingredients like spices, the food gets its certain flavour and can also serve the well-being of the consumer. Often the use of spices has an old tradition. If you are interested in reading about some of our alumni's knowledge and experiences regarding spices, you can download the PDF file of the DAAD Alumni project here.
