UNI WÜRZBURG COMMUNITY - 1000 Careers One Story


Melak Zebenay


Melak Zebenay studied Space Science and Technology. He graduated in 2009. Today he works as an Research Engineer at the West Virginia Robotics Technology NASA SSPD in Fairmont, West Virginia, USA.

Foto: Privat

The favorite Subject of Melak Zebenay was Satellite Dynamics and Control. Today he works as an Research Engineer at the West Virginia Robotics Technology NASA SSPD in Fairmont, West Virginia, USA.

  • If I'm thinking back to university I remember the main library and my dormitory.
  • Würzburg offers a broad and innovative range of subjects that have been very useful for my career development and research work. The university is friendly for international students
  • When I was a student the university offered cheaper dormitory for students that are in close range to the library and classes. In my program, the university brought different professors who are specialized for each chapter of the course which was very interesting
