UNI WÜRZBURG COMMUNITY - 1000 Careers One Story


Reflections on an Unforgettable Experience at UEFA EURO 2024 by Alumnus Christian J. Papay


Head of Digital Business Development B2B at Mediengruppe Main-Post, channels his football passion as Venue Media Operations Manager at the UEFA EURO 2024 in Cologne.

credits: Christian J. Papay

Working long hours can be exhausting, but when you’re part of a team delivering top-notch media services at one of the world’s largest sports events in your own country, it’s a whole different story.

Here’s why this experience was so special:

The Power of an International Team

Our team* was a diverse mix of professionals from around the globe, brought together for this intense period. While challenges are inevitable at such large-scale events, the way we worked not just with, but for each other, forged lifelong connections. The vibrant spirit of Cologne, with its friendly atmosphere and relaxed Kölsch gatherings after long shifts, played a significant role in our camaraderie.
Special thanks to my COL MOPS-Team Edoardo R.
and Charlotte Hilgers, Ed Jones, Nicolas Cornu, Maria Souan, and the tireless volunteers, who worked very long hours under full match day pressure, solving challenges and still having some fun together. For all of us, it was a wealth of experiences in many areas, turning stress into fun and creating memories that will last a lifetime.

Collaboration Across Venues

Beyond our immediate team, we were connected with colleagues managing media at other stadiums. The exchange of best practices and constant support defined the MOPS team**. Additionally, the strong support from the headquarters in Frankfurt and Nyon, especially from David Perrette, Sami Terävä, Maximilian Geis and Amanda Ruette, was invaluable. They answered all our questions and developed best practices on time while the tournament was ongoing, ensuring smooth operations across all venues.

Being Part of Something Bigger

Working for a well-known brand and being a cog in the wheel of a major sports event was immensely rewarding. From being close to the TV production that broadcast press conferences worldwide, to supporting journalists reporting for millions, and assisting players with post-match interviews – it was all simply outstanding. The collective effort and shared passion among the team members amplified the sense of achievement.

Being part of this event was not just a job, it was a profound and exhilarating journey.

Text written by Christian J. Papay
