UNI WÜRZBURG COMMUNITY - 1000 Careers One Story


Vortrag in Kooperation mit der Deutsch Arabischen Freundschaftsgesellschaft e.V,.


Topographien von Flucht und Vertreibung - Narratives of Displacement with Alumna Prof. Dr. Yafa Shanneik. Join the Zoom Event on Wednesday, 15 February 2023, 6 p.m. CET

(Picture: Dr. Yafa Shanneik)

Last fall‘s exhibition at the University of Würzburg, “Narratives of Displacement—Topographien von Flucht und Vertreibung“, presented art created by Iraqi and Syrian refugees in Germany, the United Kingdom and Jordan. Refugees shared their experiences of escaping war and settling into new countries. The exhibition included augmented and virtual reality technology to offer visitors an immersive and interactive experience.

The exhibition is part of the project ‘Negotiating Relationships and Redefining Traditions’ led by Prof. Dr. Yafa Shanneik who will be speaking about the project and its innovative techniques at the 25th DAFG Jour Fixe event.

Yafa Shanneik is Visiting Professor of Islamic Studies at the University of Lund/Sweden. She researches the dynamics and trajectories of gender in Islam within the context of contemporary diasporic and transnational Muslim women’s spaces. Currently, she is working on a project which explores women’s narratives of transnational marriage practices performed by Iraqi and Syrian women who have settled in Europe and other countries in the Middle East since the 1980s. She has published several articles and books on gender and Islam. Her monograph: The Art of Resistance in Islam. The Performance of Politics among Shi‘i Women in the Middle East and Beyond was published by Cambridge University Press in 2022.

More information on the exhibition is available here and more about the project here.

Please see also the DAFG's event invitation or visit the DAFG website.

The event language is English. The online event will be conducted as a video conference using the software "Zoom".

Please register online here:

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