Deutsch Intern
Office of the President


At the Office of the President, we work together as a team on many of our tasks. The below is therefore only a selection of the responsibilities that each member of our team performs.

Marlene Odenbach

Head of Office of the President
Building: Sanderring 2
Marlene Odenbach

Susanne Berg

Personal Assistant of the President
Building: Sanderring 2

Main responsibilities

  • Projects related to strategic and organisational development
  • German U15 Senior Officer

Hümeyra Alp

Scientific Assistant of the President
Building: Sanderring 2

Main responsibilities

  • ‘Plaques in Honour of Eminent Scholars’ project
  • ‘Deutschlandstipendium Scholarship’ project

Harriet Falkenhagen

Scientific Assistant of the President
Building: Sanderring 2

Main responsibilities

  • Strategic relationship management
  • ‘Schelling Kolleg’ project
Harriet Falkenhagen

Dr. Hannah Genheimer

Scientific Assistant of the President
Building: Sanderring 2

Main responsibilities

  • Coordinator for the Welcome Centre
  • Coordinator for SCIAS
  • Coordinator for the ‘Kinderuniversität’ and ‘Schüleruniversität’ programmes
Hannah Genheimer

Dr. Nadine Janetschke

Scientific Assistant of the President
Building: Sanderring 2

Main responsibilities

  • Coordinator for building ceremonies and welcome speeches
  • Contact point Environmental Research Station Schneefernerhaus and Falling Walls
  • Academic Committees Office

Paula Weber

Scientific Assistant of the President
Building: Sanderring 2

Main responsibilities

  • Welcome Centre
  • SCIAS events
  • Team ‘Kinderuniversität’ and ‘Schüleruniversität’

Gerald Reusch

Head of Academic Committees Office

Main responsibilities

  • Head of the Academic Committees Office and minute taker
  • Safety officer for the Office of the President

Stefanie Oehrlein

Main responsibilities

  • Academic Committees Office
  • Team ‘Kinderuniversität’ and ‘Schüleruniversität’
  • Official seal
Stefanie Oehrlein

Liane Popp-Orth

Front Office of the President
Liane Popp

Ulrike Engert

Front Office of the President

Dariusz Bajer

Presidential Driver
Dariusz Bajer

Charlotte Danner

currently on parental leave

Ramona Gernert

Main responsibilities

  • Office of the Vice-Presidents
  • Academic Committees Office
Porträt Ramona Gernert - Präsidialbüro Universität Würzburg.