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  • Ein Ipad zeigt die Podcast-Seite der Universität Würzburg.
    JMU Podcast

The Discovery And Technology Of X-Rays

An interview with Prof. Dr. Randolf Hanke.

In 2020 we will celebrate the 125th anniversary of the discovery of X-rays at the Julius-Maximilians-University of Würzburg. Therefore, you can hear two episodes on this topic in the JMU Podcast. One episode in German language about the life and work of Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen and one episode in English language about the technology of X-rays.

In this episode, you will hear an interview with Prof. Dr. Randolf Hanke, Head of the Chair of "Röntgenmikroskopie" (X-ray Microscopy) at JMU. We talk about the discovery of X-rays, how they work, how the technology has developed to date and about different real-world applications.

We hope you enjoy listening!