Deutsch Intern
UNI WÜRZBURG COMMUNITY - 1000 Careers One Story


Iman Abouhasan


Iman Abouhasan, Children's Museum Director at the Grand Egyptian Museum, Gizeh, answers questions about sustainability and peace in preparation for this year's DAAD-Alumni-Forum 'Creating Change'.

Portrait of Iman Abouhasan
Iman Abouhasan, Photo: Amgad Fouda

What does sustainable work and research mean to you? (not only in the ecological context)

Sustainability means to me that Humans behave "kindly" with each other and with everything that surrounds them including animals, plants, and seas.


In your opinion, what needs to be done to make the world more peaceful?

To make the world more peacefulPeople are "Humans," no one asks what is your nationality, gender, or color? and without borders.Living in a clean environment where clean food and clean water are available at an affordable price.


How do you plan to share the results of the forum in a lasting way?

There are different ways, Let's start with good marketing for the forum first and share everyday progress on social media and the Uni Website. We can make videos tag different participants from different countries. I think it is more important to think about "spread" than lasting and between those who have an interest in the subject.


Which animal would you consider the better human?

I think a dog is the best human and I prefer a "winged horse".
