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UNI WÜRZBURG COMMUNITY - 1000 Careers One Story


Web Magazine: 1,000 careers - one story


We put together and published an international web magazine. Thankfully, many alumni of JMU all over the world agreed to share interesting information about their careers. Have a look! (German below)

Our network has always been based on the variety and multiplicity of its members. Working with alumni always implies working internationally:

"Over 150,000 alumni of the Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg (JMU) live and work all over the world today while the connection to their alma mater, one of the oldest universities in Germany and the place where Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen discovered the X-rays 125 years ago, remains stronger than ever. Staying true to JMU’s motto “Science for Society”, we intend to maintain a long-lasting relationship with all our alumni, national and international, for personal as well as scientific exchange. This was the reason why we founded our Alumni Association more than 12 years ago." - Baris, Kabak, Vice President of JMU

We proudly present the International Web Magazine: "1,000 careers - one story" which consists of "the activities of our international alumni from a wide range of disciplines at various institutions in different countries from all around the globe in order to keep you connected with each other and to the University of Würzburg.", as Prof. Kabak writes in the editorial.

If you are looking for opportunities for cooperations or scientific exchange, we happily invite you to take a look at the outcome: Web Magazine 1,000 careers - one story.

Suchen Sie nach Möglichkeiten zum wissenschaftlichen Austausch, zur Kooperation oder zum Networking mit internationalen JMU-Alumni aus aller Welt? In unserem interaktiven Webmagazin "1,000 careers - one story" werden Sie fündig. Ein Blick lohnt sich! 

