Deutsch Intern
UNI WÜRZBURG COMMUNITY - 1000 Careers One Story

Prof. Dr. Gang Shuge

What does sustainable work and research mean to you? (not only in the ecological context)

Sustainable work and research means a lot. From my point of view, sticking to the research direction, maintaining the passion, strengthening international academic exchanges and cooperation, achieving academic research results continuously are the components of sustainable work and research.


In your opinion, what needs to be done to make the world more peaceful?

In order to makethe world more peaceful,dialogue,exchanges and cooperation need to be done.


How do you plan to share the results of the forum in a lasting way?

There are different ways to share the results of the forum.We - media and new media are the possible choices for the dissemination of information on the forum. One of the important things is to translate the ideas and experience of the forum into the best practices.


Which animal would you consider the better human?

Humans and animals live on the same earth, humans benefit from animals, and in some ways humans areinspired by animals, and the development of bionics is a very good example. Humans are incomparable to animals in some respects like physique and speed, but humans can create the future. Giraffes are very interesting animals, and peacocks are very beautiful.