Deutsch Intern
UNI WÜRZBURG COMMUNITY - 1000 Careers One Story

Dr. Dominik Auer

Curriculum Vitae

Dr. Dominik Auer, Alumnus of the University of Wuerzburg and Senior Manager Sustainability, Wacker Chemie AG

  • married, 1 son
  • born 24th of July 1974 in Würzburg
  • 1980 until 1994 Elementary School and Highschool in Würzburg (Graduation in 1994)
  • 1994 until 1999 studied chemistry at University of Würzburg
  • Ph D in Inorganic Chemistry (December 2004) in the group of Dr. C. Strohmann topic: “Lithiosilanes with stereogenic silicon centres : synthesis, structure and reactivity”
  • Post graduate work in the group of Dr. Strohmann from January 2005 until December 2005
  • 16th January 2006 joined Wacker Chemie AG in Munich headquarter in the department of Corporate Communication with main responsibility sustainability reporting.
  • March 2007 until March 2015: Technical Marketing Manager for construction chemicals at Burghausen plant
  • since April 2015: Senior Manager Sustainability in WACKER’s corporate sustainability department