2011 July 1
Friday, July 1 2011
10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. "Get together and first discussion", Senatssaal, Neue Universität, Sanderring
5:30 p.m. "Opening Ceremony", Auditorium Maximum, Neue Universität, Sanderring
Indian Classical Dance, featuring Reenaben Rathod and Priyadarshini Panjwani
Welcome Speeches
* Professor Alfred Forchel, President of the University of Wuerzburg
* Georg Rosenthal, Lord Mayor of the City of Wuerzburg
* Anup K. Mudgal, Consul General, Republic of India
* Dr. Klaus Birk, Director, Asiea-Pazifik , DAAD
* Dr. Anja Weisgerber, Member of the European Parliament
* Professor Jürgen Lehmann, Chairman of the Board of Directors, BayInd
* Professor Eckhard Pache "The international Alumni-Community of the University of Wuerzburg"
* Professor Heidrun Brückner "The Wuerzburg Centre for Modern Indian"
Traditional Indian Songs, featuring Dr. Aruna Bhat
Reception (End of the programme by 8 p.m.)