Laura Christmann
02/21/2025Laura Christmann hat einen M.Sc. in Management mit Schwerpunkten in Logistik und Supply Chain Management, Industrielles Management sowie Personalwesen gemacht. Aktuell arbeitet sie im Bereich Transactional Sales bei Vestas, einem Windturbinenhersteller, in Melbourne.
Was haben Sie studiert? In welchem Fach haben Sie promoviert?
M.Sc. Management – Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Industrial Management, Human Ressource
Was hat Ihnen besonders gut an Ihrem Studium/an Ihrer Promotion gefallen?
The wide range of subjects to choose from and the free choice to choose from them.
Was machen Sie aktuell?
I am in Transactional Sales (After-Sales market) in Vestas, a wind turbine manufacturer, and located in Melbourne, ANZ.
Welche Stationen Ihres Berufslebens würden Sie nennen?
After my masters, I joined Vestas Graduate Programme in DK (1year in North Central Europe in Transport and Procurement and 1 year in the process and project management of HR). After that I applied within Vestas for a position in Melbourne :)
Wie können Sie das im Studium/während Ihrer Zeit an der Uni Würzburg Erlernte für Ihren Beruf nutzen?
Spending my first year in Transport, it was great to have some background information of the basis of a supply chain, how to improve it, and how the processes and stakeholders are interlinked (subject: Logistics and Supply Chain Management with Prof. Pibernik).
Also, for my time in P&C it was great to receive a basic understanding (although HR in Wuerzburg was mainly statistics ;))