Noor Aisha
02/21/2025Noor Aisha Sie hat kürzlich ihre Doktorarbeit in Bildungswissenschaften abgeschlossen, mit einem Fokus auf Blended Learning und Instructional Design. Sie hat fast zehn Jahre Erfahrung als Assistenzlehrerin in einer staatlichen Mittelschule, wo sie Mathematik und Wissenschaft unterrichtet. Aktuell sucht sie nach Möglichkeiten, ihre Fähigkeiten in AI-gestütztem Unterricht zu nutzen, sei es in einer Postdoc-Stelle oder einer Fakultätsposition.
Was haben Sie studiert? In welchem Fach haben Sie promoviert?
I recently have completed my doctorate degree in Education. I got the award of my doctorate in the month of October, this year. My research encompass blended learning and Instructional Design and its implementation. This has strengthen my areas of research specialization in Educational Technology which has a wider spectrum, I believe! And, I’m trying a way to get some promotion in the same direction.
Was hat Ihnen besonders gut an Ihrem Studium/an Ihrer Promotion gefallen?
The use of digital technologies in education has really impressed me greatly. As, it holds the opportunities and scope to utilize the skills for the purpose of the education, as well as it has the potential to cater the needs of the varied learnners while taking care of their individual learning need and providing them personalized learning in their busy life schedules, regardless of their age, gender, profession, ethnicity, etc.etc.
Was machen Sie aktuell?
I’m currently working as an Assistant Teacher in Government Middle School, teaching Maths and Science, having an experience of almost ten years. But since, as my Doctorate is in Education and my Research specialization is Educational Technology, Educational Research, Educational Psychology, Pedagogy, Curriculum and Instructional Design, so at present I am keenly finding some opportunity in the field where I can contribute and utilise my skills in designing and imparting AI based instructions and further research, in the form of Postdoc or a faculty position somewhere. As, I feel through my research I can serve in the field of Higher Education, Adult Education and Lifelong Learning through the promotion and inclusion of digital technologies which is much observed need of the time.
Welche Stationen Ihres Berufslebens würden Sie nennen?
This year, I completed my Doctorate in Education (Educational Technology and Curriculum), even while being a ten-year experienced teacher in government school; but the enthusiasm and passion for my work and research is not giving me a feeling of being settled and so, I am presently on a way to find opportunity that can provide me to excel in my field and utilize my skills that can benefit to the learners and the teaching-learning process.
Wie können Sie das im Studium/während Ihrer Zeit an der Uni Würzburg Erlernte für Ihren Beruf nutzen?
My area of research is on the use and importance of digital technologies in education, in the form of blended learning instruction, which directly connects me to every learner and all types of education system, may it be school education, higher education and adult education and lifelong learning. And, it would be aligned to my interests as well as the present need of the society and academia. I am very much eager to advance my research and work to employ Artificial Intelligence (AI) in education generally and the use of AI Embedded Instruction specifically as per the need of the learners as general or adult learners specifically.