Deutsch Intern
UNI WÜRZBURG COMMUNITY - 1000 Careers One Story


Regional Chapter Contact Serbia: Dr. Barbara Radulovic


We present our alumni Dr. Barbara Radulovic our contat person for our regional chapter in Belgrade.

How would you describe your field of work in a short way?
The primary object of my work is research of the different groups of marine fossils such as brachiopods, bivalves, ammonites, echinoids and gastropods . I wrote both my master and doctorate thesis about the Lower Cretaceous brachiopods and Lower Jurassic bivalves of the eastern Serbia. Finding remains of the ancient creatures, which have been enclosed in rocks for millions of years is very inspiring. After collecting specimens during the geological field trip I do their preparation in the laboratory and the next phase is to make determination of them and forming idea about the palaeoecological community of the certain age and determine the time and environment they could have lived in.

What do you like the most about your job?
My field of research is palaeontology, one of the most intriguing branches of geology which researches fossils, the remains of living organisms from the geological past, and it is very exciting when during the field trip I discover remains of ancient organisms. Also, one of the most interesting things regarding my research is field work which gave me opportunity for traveling and enjoying great moments in nature. Geology has allowed me to carry out geological fieldwork in beautiful, isolated parts of Serbia and to know my country well.

How would you describe Belgrade?
Belgrade, the capital of Serbia, with its exceptional position at the confluence of the Sava and Danube Rivers, has had long history and unique fate. It is one of the oldest cities in Europe and since the ancient times this territory has been an important crossing of the roads of eastern and western Europe. Nowadays, with its unique mixture of Oriental and the European influences, Belgrade is a remarkable city on the European map. Its intriguing mosaic of influences handed down trough centuries created the atmosphere of unique charm.

Why do you think that regional chapters are a good thing?
Regional chapters are of special importance as they provide opportunity for members of Alumni community to meet face to face and know each other better, it gives possibility to create atmosphere where they can debate about different issues regarding the possibilities about new projects and initiatives.

