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Dr. Graeme on Covid-19 research


Alumnus Dr. Graeme Jacobs studied Life Sciences and Medical Virology at the University of Wuerzburg. He published a recent article on his work on Covid-19.

Dr. Jacobs Graeme, Photo: Stellenborsch University
Foto: Stellenbosch University

After his studies at the JMU in Wuerzburg Dr. Graeme did further research at the Stellbosch University in South Africa in the Division of Medical Virology. In the following text he presents his work on Covid-19.

Extract from EClinicalMedicine 23(2020)100430: "We would like to suggest that there could be several explanations for the disproportionate burden of COVID-19 in ethnic minorities that include social, economic and health inequalities as well as genetic predisposition ,biological or pathophysiological differences in response to infection.The ethnic minorities have higher burden of comorbidities like diabetes,cardiovascular disease and morbid obesity."

You can read the full Article here.

