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Michael Imhof - neues Buch: Krankheit und Zeit, eine Philosophie der Medizin


Ein neues Buch von unserem Alumnus Michael Imhof

(Bild: Michael Imhof)

Looking for exchange

Alumnus Dr. med. habil. Michal Imhof would be interested in an intellectual exchange with physicians, natural scientists and colleagues interested in natural philosophy in the USA and would be pleased about invitations for lectures, especially for lecture series in renowned American universities.

Background: Dr. Imhof worked for many years as a senior physician as well as a private lecturer at the Department of Surgery at the University Hospital of Würzburg and completed his habilitation in the field of surgery on the topic of "Inflammatory Bowel Disease and New Ways of Surgical Therapy."
Imhof can look back on more than 100 scientific publications and numerous lectures in Germany and abroad. He is currently active as an expert and scientific consultant in connection with treatment errors, complication management and "safety culture" in hospitals. Already at the beginning of his career he was interested in fundamental natural philosophical questions in the field of medicine and especially in natural philosophical questions about physical, biochemical and system theoretical aspects of diseases on a general level of observation. This was followed by questions about the image of man in the 21st century, based on modern scientific knowledge. 

In this context, Michael Imhof has written the following three books on a philosophy of medicine and the image of man in the 21st century:

1. "Illness and Time". Pabst Science Publisher (2018). The book deals with biophysical and systems-theoretical aspects of diseases on a generalized level of observation.

2." Illness and Mind." Pabst Science Publisher (2021). This work explores the question of the ways in which disease is represented in the neural networks of the brain, and from here might feed back to peripheral disease processes. In this context Imhof dealt in detail with the brain/mind- or matter/mind problem and developed new perspectives for a deeper understanding of this problem.

3. The current book " Modern Man between Physics and Metaphysics ".Pabst Science Publisher
( 2022) deals with the modern view of the world -and of man in the 21st century, including man's relations to artificial intelligence etc.

Currently, these three books are being translated into English and will be published as a complete edition on the American market next year.

All Alumni who are interested in the subject please contact Dr. Michael Imhof,,
