Deutsch Intern
Career Centre

How to find us

Both our offices and our seminar rooms are located on the new Hubland Nord campus (former Leighton Barrack site). At the entrance to the campus there is a map showing the individual buildings and the campus signage is very good.

Please note that the street names may not yet be found by navigation systems, as they were not assigned until 2012. In this case, please follow the signs on the campus. The correct street names have been entered on GoogleMaps or the website (see below).

  • Our offices are located in
    Josef-Martin-Weg 55, 97074 Würzburg

    3rd floor, right entrance
    to the offices

  • The seminar room 1.037 is located in the
    Didactics and Language Centre
    Matthias-Lexer-Weg 25, 97074 Würzburg
    (main entrance, stairs to the 1st floor, turn left past the cafeteria and follow the corridor)
    to the Didactics and Language Centre

  • Due to the number of participants, some events are located in the
    Library and Seminar Centre

    Josef-Martin-Weg 64, 97074 Würzburg
    to the Library and Seminar Centre

    or in the
    Central Lecture Hall and Seminar Building (ZHSG/Z6) on the Hubland South Campus (near the campus bridge)
    to the  Central Lecture Hall and Seminar Building

  • Due to schedule conflicts, some events are located in the
    Graduate School
    Beatrice-Edgell-Weg 21, 97074 Würzburg
    Seminar rooms 1 and 2, as well as room 2.001 (labelled 'Library')
    (Main entrance, stairs to the 2nd floor, turn left)
    to the graduate school

Campus Hubland Nord

Bus no. 10 runs from Sanderring directly to the university campus Hubland Nord and from there via Josef-Martin-Weg to the Didactics and Language Centre (terminus at the Wendehammer). If you arrive by train, you can also reach our office and seminar buildings with the lines 14, 114 and 214 (all from the main station) and a subsequent 5-10 minute walk.

  • Timetable Line 10
    Exit: "Bibliothekszentrum" (Offices)
    Exit: "Sprachenzentrum" (seminar rooms)
  • Timetable Line 14
    Exit: "Am Hubland" (entrance Campus North directly opposite)
  •  Line 114 and 214
    Exit: "Philosophisches Institut" (follow the street for 400 m, then enter Campus Nord on the opposite side of the street or change to bus no. 10)

to the bus timetables (Simply enter the desired bus line in the search field.)

Heading west on A3 or north on A7:

  • Take exit "Heidingsfeld" to leave A3 and take B19 to Würzburg. Follow for approx. 5 km and turn right on "Rottendorfer Straße" or
  • Take exit "Estenfeld" to leave A7 and take B19 to Würzburg. Follow for approx. 7,7 km and turn left on "Rottendorfer Straße".
  • Follow for approx. 650 m, then turn right on "Am Galgenberg".
  • Follow for 1,2 km, entry to the Campus Hubland Nord on the left.

Heading east on A3 or south on A7:

  • Take exit "Rottendorf" to leave A3 and take B8 to Würzburg. Follow for approx. 6 km and turn right on "Kitzinger Straße" to "Gerbrunn" or
  • Take exit "Kitzingen" to leave A7 and take B8 to Würzburg. Follow for approx. 9 km and turn right on "Kitzinger Straße" to "Gerbrunn".
  • Follow for approx. 2,5 km and turn right on "Am Galgenberg".
  • Follow for 400 m, entry to Campus Hubland Nord on the right.

Building 55 (Office) on Google Maps

Didactics and Language Centre on Google Maps

Library and Seminar Centre on Google Maps

Central Lecture Hall and Seminar Building on Google Maps

Graduate School





The Zentrale Seminar- und Hörsaalgebäude (Z6) is located at Am Hubland close to the University library.
See GoogleMaps or following website to get a close look.

Bus line 10 leave from Sanderring straight for Uni at Am Hubland. Take lines 14, 114 and 214 from Central Station if you are arriving by train and walk the last 2 minutes.

  • Timetable Line 10
    Exit: "Am Hubland"
  • Timetable Line 14
    Exit: "Am Hubland"
  •  Linie 114 and Linie 214
    Exit: "Philosophisches Institut" (follow street for 300 m, then Z6 on the right-hand side)

to the bus timetables (Simply enter the desired bus line in the search field.)

Heading west on A3 or north on A7:

  • Take exit "Heidingsfeld" to leave A3 and take B19 to Würzburg. Follow for approx. 5 km and turn right on "Rottendorfer Straße" or
  • Take exit "Estenfeld" to leave A7 and take B19 to Würzburg. Follow for approx. 7,7 km and turn left on "Rottendorfer Straße".
  • Follow for approx. 650 m, then turn right on "Am Galgenberg".
  • Follow for 900 m, entry to parking lot of "Philosophischen Institut" on the right or
  • Follow for 1 km, turn right on "Am Hubland" at the crossing. In case there are no parking spots, continue for 200 m and turn left on "Theodor-Boveri-Weg". Follow for 300 m and turn left on partking lot.

Heading east on A3 or south on A7:

  • Take exit "Rottendorf" to leave A3 and take B8 to Würzburg. Follow for approx. 6 km and turn right on "Kitzinger Straße" to "Gerbrunn" or
  • Take exit "Kitzingen" to leave A7 and take B8 to Würzburg. Follow for approx. 9 km and turn right on "Kitzinger Straße" to "Gerbrunn".
  • Follow for approx. 2,5 km and turn right on "Am Galgenberg".
  • Follow for 400 m, entry to Campus Hubland Nord on the right.
  • From there, take the bridge to Z6 on Campus Hubland Süd or
  • Follow for 600 m and turn left onto "Am Hubland". In case there are no parking spots, continue for 200 m and turn left on "Theodor-Boveri-Weg". Follow for 300 m and turn left on partking lot.

Wittelsbacher Platz

The university's lecture hall at Wittelsbacher Platz are in the middle of Frauenland.
Check GoogleMaps or www.openstreetmap.orgto see its exact location.

Bus no. 10 runs from Sanderring (Neue Universität) directly past Wittelsbacher Platz to the final stop at the Didactics and Language Centre. If you arrive by train at the main station, you can reach the building by taking lines 114 (stops directly at the building), 14 and 214 (both with a subsequent walk of approx. 10 minutes).

  • Timetable Line 10
    Exit: "Wittelsbacher Platz"
  • Line 114
    Exit: "Wittelsbacher Platz"
  • Timetable Line 14
    Exit: "Letzter Hieb" (follow "Wittelsbacher Straße" for 500 m, entry to campus on the left)
  • Line 214
    Exit: "Letzter Hieb" (follow "Wittelsbacher Straße" for 500 m, entry to campus on the left)

to the bus timetables (Simply enter the desired bus line in the search field.)

Heading west on A3 or north on A7:

  • Take exit "Heidingsfeld" to leave A3 and take B19 to Würzburg. Follow for approx. 5 km and turn right on "Rottendorfer Straße" or
  • Take exit "Estenfeld" to leave A7 and take B19 to Würzburg. Follow for approx. 7,7 km and turn left on "Rottendorfer Straße".
  • Follow for 300 m and turn right on "Wittelbacher Straße".
  • Reach Wittelsbacher Platzes after 600 m. Parking spots in surrounding streets, in the evenings on "Zwerchgraben".

Heading east on A3 or south on A7:

  • Take exit "Rottendorf" to leave A3 and take B8 to Würzburg. Follow for approx. 6 km and turn right on "Kitzinger Straße" to "Gerbrunn" or
  • Take exit "Kitzingen" to leave A7 and take B8 to Würzburg. Follow for approx. 9 km and turn right on "Kitzinger Straße" to "Gerbrunn".
  • Follow for approx. 2,5 km and turn right on "Am Galgenberg".
  • Follow for 900 m, turn left on "Rottendorfer Straße"
  • Follow "Rottendorfer Straße" for approx. 300 m and turn left on "Wittelsbacher Straße".
  • Reach Wittelsbacher Platzes after 600 m. Parking spots in surrounding streets, in the evenings on "Zwerchgraben".