Deutsch Intern
Career Centre

Further counselling services

The Career Centre might not always be the right contact partner for your request.
Below you will find a list of other important counselling facilities inside and outside the University of Würzburg.

Other career services

In addition to the Career Centre there are several other job and career counselling services provided by the University of Würzburg.

Service Center BioCareers

The Service Center BioCareers supports life science students and graduates in setting goals as well as planning and implementing their individual careers.

Goals and tasks:

  • Training of transferable skills
  • Technical support and study-related advice
  • Guidance and preparation regarding the future employment sector
  • Supervision of scholarship programs
  • Maintenance of an alumni network
  • Internship and job placement for bachelor and master students
  • Interface between university and employers

Your contact person:

PD Alois Palmetshofer - 0931/31-84239 -

Start-up and entrepreneur counselling

Are you planning to start your own business or have you already worked as a freelancer during your studies? Below you will find a list of facilities inside and outside the University of Würzburg which are related to the topic of founding and entrepreneurship.

Servicezentrum Forschung und Technologietransfer (SFT), Start-up counselling

You have an innovative idea and are looking for ways to develop it? You consider commercialising your innovation? Or you have a general interest in the topic of new business formation and self-employment?

This is the right place for you! SFT provides information and advice on all matters pertaining to entrepreneurship and helps you develop and launch your innovation.

Your contact person:

Dr. Cornelia Kolb - 0931/31-88652 -

Technologie- und Gründerzentrum Würzburg

The mission of TGZ Würzburg is to support the cooperation between industry and science. They offer

  • Promotion of university spin-offs
  • On-demand training for academics and non-academics
  • Support of projects in applied research and development
  • Organization of business development projects

Find all contact information online:

Zentrum für Digitale Innovationen (ZDI) Mainfranken

ZDI Mainfranken is the new digital incubator in the region which promotes the founding of digital start-ups. Together with its cooperation partners, the two universities, University of Würzburg and THWS, the Chamber of Industry and Commerce and other incubators in Würzburg, Schweinfurt and Bad Kissingen, a start-up ecosystem is emerging at the interface between science and industry.

Find all contact information online:


Gründen@Würzburg is an association of several local driving forces supporting the start-up scene in the area of Würzburg. The pool consists of public institutions, entrepreneurs and freelancers. The aim of the initiative is to promote the exchange between founders and to provide the best possible contact person for a start-up project as well as to actively support the founders on the way to their own business.

Find all information online:

Gründerakademie Würzburg

The Gründerakademie Würzburg offers seminars and workshops on start-up-relevant topics for young entrepreneurs and founders. The academy is supporting start-up companies throughout the founding and growth period.

Find all information online:

IHK Würzburg

IHK Würzburg offers a broad information service for start-ups and business promotion programs on their website.

Find all information online:

Other consulting institutions

Below you will find an alphabetical list of other consulting institutions inside and outside the university. Did we miss any? Please don’t hesitate to contact us:


Agentur für Arbeit Würzburg (University team)

The university team offers you:

  • Personal career planning
  • Labour-market-oriented study design
  • Labour-market information
  • Consultation on the individual study situation, career entry, change of subject and university dropout
  • Advice on your personal application strategy

Phone: 0800/4 5555 00

Office hours during the lecture period: Tuesday 10:00-14:00 o'clock

  • every 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month, "BiF - Beratung im Foyer", lobby of the Stadtmensa, Am Studentenhaus
  • every 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month, Hubland, Mensa building, office of the Speaker Council, room 111, 1st floor

BAföG-Counselling of the Studierendenwerk Würzburg

For more than 40 years the German Federal Training Assistance Act (Bundesausbildungsförderungsgesetz – BaföG) has been regulating the reception of federal student loans and grants. The objective of this law is to provide access to higher education for all citizens according to their eligibility and interest - even if parents are not able to fund it.   

Only if you submit an application, you will find out whether you might be supported or not.

Office hours: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 10:00-15:00 o’clock; Wednesday, Friday 10:00-13:00 o’clock

Begabungspsychologische Beratungsstelle

Counselling for families

The main focus of this facility is the psychological assessment of special abilities. Parents and their children may as well address questions to the team concerning the enrolment or transfer to secondary school. Furthermore they get information on possibilities for individual support.

Counselling for students and high school graduates

Students and high school graduates who are not sure about their future profession or their chosen subject have the opportunity to take advantage of an individual counselling session (duration approx. 90 minutes). In a one-to-one meeting professional interests and abilities can be discovered and various alternatives can be considered.

First contact and appointment: Monday-Thursday 8:30-12:30 o'clock at
Elke Ackermann (secretary’s office) - 0931/31-86023 - begabungsberatungsstelle(at)

Beratungsangebot der ESG

ESG offers advice and pastoral care in the following areas

  • life questions
  • crisis situations
  • search for faith and doubt in faith

and a psychological counselling centre.

All contact details online:

Counselling of KHG

Discover perspectives, find orientation...

  • in personal development and life story
  • in questions of everyday life and relationships
  • in deepening one's spirituality

KHG offers guidance, counselling, a psychological counselling team, examination coaching and counselling for foreign students. Further information can be found on the KHG website.

All contact details online:

Office of the University Women’s Representative

The University Women's Representative is the point of contact for all JMU students and academics on issues relating to gender equality in science. The Office of the University Women's Representative provides advice and support with regard to

  • discrimination and sexual harassment
  • conflicts at the workplace
  • career development
  • the application for and use of equality funds
  • the topic of studying with children and the compatibility of science and family
  • the mediation and organisation of child care by the Family Service

Prof. Dr. Marie-Christine Dabauvalle - 0931/31-82161 -

International Office

Our university has a European and international character. This is evidenced by the numerous cross-border cooperations in research and teaching, the high proportion of foreign students and scientists and their integration into the university.

Tasks of the International Office:

  • Basic questions of studying abroad and studying abroad
  • University partnerships
  • International exchange of students and scientists
  • Advice and support for foreign applicants, students and academics
  • Carrying out the admission procedure for foreign study applicants
  • Information and advice on scholarships for foreigners as well as on study opportunities abroad and scholarships for Germans abroad
  • Cooperation with the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
  • Coordination of student and lecturer mobility programmes within the EU

Eure Ansprechpartner/innen erreicht ihr unter:

Contact: 0931/31-82603 - international(at)
Office hours: Mo-Fr, 8-12 Uhr, Mi 14-16 Uhr

KIS - Contact and Information Office for Students with Disabilities and Chronic Illnesses

Target groups

  • Pupils, prospective students, applicants and students with disabilities and chronic illnesses (including dyslexia and mental illness) as well as their caregivers
  • Employees of the University of Würzburg (e.g. Studierendenwerk, Central Student Advisory Office, Student Chancellery, Council of Speakers, Examination Office, University Management, Building Department, etc.)
  • Institutions with regard to the interests of prospective students, applicants and students with disabilities or chronic illnesses

Your contact person is:

Sandra Mölter (M.A.) - 0931/31-84052 -
Office hours: Tuesday 10:00-12:00 o’clock, Thursday 14:00-16:00 o’clock

Psychotherapetic counselling Centre

Students who get into a personal crisis or seek advice because of other serious personal problems are welcome to come to the psychotherapeutic counselling centre. A team of qualified psychologists with additional psychotherapeutic training and a psychotherapeutic doctor work there.

The offer covers: Individual counselling, psychotherapy and group therapy. Additionally seminars are offered on different topics, like e.g. stress management, learning and work techniques as well as examination fear.

Your contact person is:

Claudia Schraud - 0931/8005-101 -
Office hours: Monday-Thursday, 8:00-12:00 o'clock

Career program Handwerk

The lack of skilled workers in the skilled trades and the lack of qualified managers and company successors have an effect on the competitiveness of companies and the range of skilled trades services on offer.

On the other hand, a high percentage of students drop out of their studies and leave the university without any qualifications or prospects. The program is designed to prepare young people who have dropped out of their studies and find themselves without any useful professional qualifications at Abitur level to take on specialist and management tasks by providing them with premium training in the craft trades.

The program is supported by Handwerkskammer Service GmbH, Handwerkskammer für Unterfranken and Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg. It is financed by the European Social Fund and the Bavarian State Ministry for Labour and Social Affairs, Family and Women.

Your contact person is:

Christina Huck - 0931 4503-2383 -

Social counselling of the Studierendenwerk Würzburg

Looking for a solution for social, economic or personal questions?

Our social counselling service is the first point of contact for students and offers orientation and clarification assistance on a wide variety of topics. Non-bureaucratic, free of charge, absolutely confidential and completely personal, we help you and are there for you in the perhaps not quite easy phases of your studies.

We provide tips and information on the following topics:

  • Financing your studies
  • Studying with a child
  • International Students
  • Studying with a handicap or with chronic illnesses
  • General social counselling

All contact details and office hours online:

Student Advisory Office

In order to use the time of your studies as effectively as possible, you should its course well in advance. The Central Student Advisory Office will be happy to help you with this - and of course also with questions and problems during your studies - by providing targeted information and advice. Every year, more than 10.000 students, parents, seniors, schoolchildren, high school graduates and other people seeking advice take advantage of this service.

Contact details:

Phone: 0931/31-83183 -  studienberatung(at)
Office hours:
Monday-Friday 8:00-12:00 o’clock, Wednesday 14:00-16:00 o’clock, Ottostraße 16 (attic), 97070 Würzburg