Clubs, Groups, Initiatives
On this page you will find some examples of associations in which you can get involved as a student of the University of Würzburg.
AIAS Würzburg e.V. is a non-profit association of students and has existed since 2017. We raise awareness about blood cancer and make it possible to register as a stem cell donor directly on campus. So far, we have been able to register over 1,000 potential stem cell donors through our campaigns. Our interdisciplinary team from a wide range of degree programmes takes on a wide range of tasks. Our internal departments include Marketing, Events & Campaigns, Social Media, Sponsoring, Human Resources and Finance & Legal. Everyone is welcome here! We look forward to meeting you.
Write us a message via Instagram or send an email to:
Link to website:
Instagram: aias_wuerzburg
Your ASA-experience– vom Hörsaal in die Welt
Fancy a change of perspective? For a project in which sustainability really counts? For an experience that shows you ways to get involved? And a scholarship that makes all this possible for you?
The ASA programme is a development policy learning and qualification programme and enables students and trainees between the ages of 21 and 30 to work on three to six-month projects at partner institutions in Africa, Asia, Latin America or Southeast Europe. Whether environmental education in Benin, gender justice in Mexico or human rights in India: the projects are as diverse as the partner institutions themselves.
Seminars lasting several days before and after the project phase round off the programme. From development cooperation and sustainability goals to project management and reflecting on your own role in global contexts - the seminars are designed to inspire you and prepare you for your departure. After the project phase, they give you space to reflect on what you have experienced.
Interested? Applications are accepted every year from November/December through the ASA-website.
Fancy to learn more? Visit our facebook page:
Regional group Effective Altruism
Would you like to contribute to effectively making the world a better place? Then you've come to the right place.
We, the local group Effective Altruism, are concerned with the question of how the world can be improved. We take a bird's eye view of the world and try to find suitable areas of action in which a great deal can be achieved. In our opinion, examples of such areas include global poverty, animal suffering and future risks (AI, pandemics, climate change).
The group is made up of students from different disciplines. All are welcome. You don't need any special prior knowledge and are welcome to join in without any obligation.
Having fun is particularly important to us. For example, we occasionally go to the Eulenspiegel and discuss philosophical issues over a beer ;)
You want to drop by? Then simply write to us by email at or take a look at our Facebook page We will then let you know directly when our next meeting or project is taking place.
Arbeitskreise des Sprecher- und Sprecherinnenrates
Dedicated students meet in various working groups and work on topics that are important to them. Thus, everyone can contribute to the design of the university and make a difference. Only in this way the multitude of ideas can actually be put into practice. In addition, it is a lot of fun and there are nice people.
The working groups are open to everyone and you are welcome to drop by for a non-binding meeting.
English Drama Group
The English Drama Group is looking for actors at the beginning of each semester. Check the EDG website and look out for the posters for audition dates. New backstage crew members are always welcome. Please contact the producer and ask for the next meeting.
Studiobühne Unitheater Würzburg
UniTheater Würzburg, studi(o)bühne, is a department of JMU’s student representation. As a stage by students for students we stand for experimental "trial theatre". At UniTheater you can play a role as an actor, organizer, director, technician, stage designer and much more and realize your ideas. Each group stages their play organizationally and content-wise without specifications, no matter whether classical or modern, comical or tragic - everything is allowed. Are you interested? Join us.
Debattierclub Würzburg
Since our foundation in the summer semester of 2006, we have been a rapidly growing group of currently 20 students who meet every week for a debate. Non-students are also welcome! They argue with firm rules about current topics from politics and society - fair, sporty and humorous.
Everyone who is interested should be taught the skills to argue clearly, objectively and credibly. Furthermore these acquired skills should enable participants to engage in public debates and to moderate them.
We want to gain rhetorical confidence in our regular public debates. At the same time, it is important for us to consolidate personal knowledge and points of view through the emerging polarization.
The motivation to join our discussion group is manifold: Anyone who wants to successfully debate with decision-makers and public officials after graduating, obtain an additional qualification, meet interesting people or simply get rid of their shyness, anyone who wants to become politically active or convincingly represent their interests - this is exactly the right way to do so with us. -
Uni Radio Würzburg
Uniradio tries to offer its listeners the most varied programme possible around the University of Würzburg, the city and its people. In the course of time, several categories have been added, including the band lounge, radio plays, the U&D special and the “Uniradio Wahlsommer”. We always try to report critically and entertainingly in order to offer our listeners more than the usual 08/15 radios. Our motto is: Better than any permanent wave.
Do you like to write, photograph or make radio contributions? Then you have to come to the right place! If you are interested in joining us, then write us an e-mail at or simply come to the next UniRadio meeting, every Thursday at 19:30 in front of the Studentenhaus!
Evangelische Studentengemeinde Würzburg
The Evangelische Studentengemeinde Würzburg is particularly committed to the work at the Universities of Würzburg (university, university of applied sciences and college of music). Based on the Christian tradition, ESG deals with church and society in the past, present and future. ESG Würzburg is a member of the Federal ESG, which is based in Hanover.
The following eight points are important to us in our work:
1. make one's faith experienceable and liveable in the community
2. to bring up the Christian faith in dialogue
3. the offer of pastoral accompaniment to a successful life
4. the international horizon
5. raising the awareness of social and political responsibility
6. to offer a place that can become a temporary home
7. to live ecumenism
8. to work in partnership with institutions and services in Würzburg
Above all we have the joy of commitment and the pleasure of community.
ESG offers the opportunity to participate in numerous working groups in the areas of sport, games and relaxation, music and culture, as well as commitment to and engagement for others.
Katholische Hochschulgemeinde Würzburg
You want to meet other people and make contacts...
A topic moves you and you want to get involved...
You have an idea and want to try it out...
As a university community, we offer space and many opportunities for encounters, commitment, student initiatives and projects.
AIESEC Würzburg
You want "more" than just studying? AIESEC offers you the opportunity to gain practical experience in marketing, human resources, finance and global operations. Work in a team, make new contacts and help other students to have unforgettable experiences abroad. Your study background is irrelevant. Our goal is to break down prejudices and promote understanding of other cultures through international exchange. If you would like to become part of the world's largest student organization, just write to us:
Experience abroad is becoming more and more important these days and can also be very advantageous for your later professional life. Our international programme combines worldwide projects from the fields of culture, education and social entrepreneurship. For 4-10 weeks you will help an organization or start-up to develop and grow. You challenge yourself and get to know other cultures. You don't have to be a member of AIESEC. Are you interested? Then write us without obligation:
iac Würzburg
iac is a student management consultancy consisting of committed students from all disciplines. As a non-profit association, iac wants to contribute to the development of students and the economy. In project teams the most different questions are going to be solved. In addition to the opportunity to apply your theoretical knowledge in practice, iac also gives you the chance to get exclusive project work and internships through partners. By becoming a member iac, you can build up a very good network, which can also be useful in your later professional life. You also have the opportunity to meet with students from all over Germany at the umbrella organization JCNetwork. Are you interested? Then simply write an e-mail or come to a meeting. Dates and contact details can be found on the homepage.
Located in Würzburg, with over 70 active and passive members, an alumni network and 20 years of experience, C&C, the student consultancy Contact & Cooperation e.V., forms the link between university theory and business practice.
Acquiring projects from companies and passing them on to students, making valuable experiences and important contacts for their future careers, organizing and coordinating workshops and business symposia - the association sees itself as a contact point for students who want to take on responsibility and are interested in the consulting profession.
The student consultants are team- and solution-oriented and convince with their professionalism and professional competence. As a non-profit initiative, Contact & Cooperation aims to impart non-university commitment, social competence and professional entrepreneurial thinking to students.
Leo Club Wuerzburg
The Leo Club is part of the Lions Club Würzburg for young adults aged 16-30. The Leo Clubs - Leos for short - are also service clubs that organise charitable activities under the motto "we serve".
We raise money or donations in kind for charitable causes here in Würzburg and with other Leo clubs in Bavaria, Germany and around the world. We donate the money from our "Profs legen auf" party at the Zauberberg, collect food for the food bank with the "Ein Teil mehr im Einkaufswagen" campaign or play bingo with senior citizens in retirement homes.
Unlike the Lions, you don't have to be invited to join us. If you're between 16 and 31, just ask us Facebook or Instagram when and where our next meeting is. See you soon!
Our offical website Website des Lion Clubs.
our social media
ArbeiterKind Wuerzburg
We support all those who want to be the first in their family to go to university. 6,000 volunteers are involved in 80 local groups across Germany to inform students about the possibility of studying and to support them on their way from starting university to successfully completing their studies and beyond.
The Wuerzburg group is made up of students and professionals from a variety of backgrounds. All are welcome. You don't need any previous experience and are welcome to join without any obligation.
Would you like to meet us and find out more? Then simply email us at
Or take a look at our social media channels:
Students educate Pupils
Students educate Pupils is a non-profit organisation that provides free tutoring to children and young people in difficult social and economic circumstances, in order to ensure greater equality in education and equal opportunities for all. Our tutors are volunteer students who want to make a contribution by helping pupils with their knowledge. In addition to Wuerzburg, we are active in many other cities across Germany and welcome anyone who would like to support our cause. If you are interested, take a look at our website! There you can also register as a tutor.
Click here for the official website of Students educate Pupils :
Organ donation saves lives
We, "Organspende Rettet Leben", are a university initiative that provides information about organ donation in lectures at the JMU. Our aim is to directly address the disparity between the high willingness to donate organs (~ 80% of Germans) and the actual possession of an organ donor card (only ~ 40%). By giving short presentations and then offering organ donor cards, we are trying to solve this problem in a practical way.
After presentations in front of thousands of students, we are determined that together we can tackle the problem step by step.
You can find more information here:
(©️ Constantin Ritter)
Anything forgotten? Then let us know, we will be happy to add more interesting groups: