Deutsch Intern
Career Centre

Step 1: Searching for the internship position

Finding an internship is the first hurdle on the way to an internship abroad. You have to find the position yourself and it should match the skills that you would like to develop during your internship. First and foremost, of course, is your language skills, which you will develop in the relevant specialised vocabulary in addition to everyday use. You should also choose your internship according to which skills you already have and would like to develop or - alternatively - would like to acquire. The internship serves to gain important professional experience and expand your own network, which prepares and facilitates your later career entry. If you are unsure which activities are suitable for you or which career path you should/would like to take, we will be happy to support you in an individual career counselling appointment.

When searching for internships, you can use the national and international job exchanges as a guide. We have linked a selection of less well-known job and internship exchanges here:

Darüber hinaus veröffentlicht das International Students Office auchBerichte ehemaliger Praktikantinnen und Praktikanten. Dort finden Sie nicht nur zahlreiche Tipps zur Organisation Ihres Auslandsaufenthaltes, sondern auch detaillierte Beschreibungen von Praktika in den verschiedenen Institutionen und Organisationen.

Für Tipps zur Optimierung von Lebensläufen, Anschreiben und Initiativbewerbungen können Sie gerne unser Beratungsangebot (Bewerbungsmappencheck für deutsche, englische und französische Bewerbungsunterlagen) nutzen. Außerdem können Sie gerne auch auf unsere  Online-Materialien zur Bewerbungsvorbereitung  zurückgreifen.

In addition, the International Students Office also publishesreports from former interns. There you will not only find numerous tips on how to organise your stay abroad, but also detailed descriptions of internships at various institutions and organisations.

For tips on optimising CVs, cover letters and unsolicited applications, you are welcome to use our advice service (application portfolio check for German, English and French application documents). You are also welcome to use our online application preparation materials.