Gender Gaps
Which gender gaps exist?
The gender pay gap is now on everyone's lips. But what are the short and long-term effects of women being paid less, even if they earn the same or even more than men?
Women spend 44.3% more time per day on unpaid care work than men. This situation is known as the gender care gap. This includes, for example, raising children, caring for relatives or simply normal housework. This is time in which women work, but unpaid, and often carry the “mental load” of the family alone. The mental load describes everything that concerns the organization of family routines, including, for example, keeping track of the family's appointments: when do the children have to go to sports, who can stand in as a babysitter, have the Christmas presents been bought, etc.? These are all smaller tasks, but together they require a great deal of mental effort - hence the term “mental load”. You can find more information on “mental load” on the pages of the AOK, Deutschlandfunk Nova and Initiative Equal Care.
Due to the unequal distribution of care work, women often only work part-time or have no paid work for long periods of time. In addition, women often work in lower-paid jobs. Ultimately, this leads to lower payments into the pension fund.
These factors result in the gender pension gap. This describes the gender-specific “pension gap”, which shows that women's retirement income is lower on average than that of men. With a survivor's pension, the difference is 27.1% and without a survivor's pension it is as high as 39.4%. Consequently, women are also more frequently affected by poverty in old age.
We want to raise awareness of this inequality and encourage young people to consider their life choices, career plans and, last but not least, retirement provision at an early age. Below we have compiled material that provides further information on the gender gap.
Information material
Gender Gaps
Übersicht bei UN Women Deutschland
Fakten zu den Gender Gaps – Podcast ca. ab Minute 15
Gender Care Gap
Gender Care Gap – ein Indikator für die Gleichstellung
Was ist der Gender Care Gap? – 3 min Video zum Einstieg beim Deutschen Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung
Equal Care
Wie kann ein ausgewogenes Verhältnis zwischen Erwerbs- und Care-Arbeit gelingen? – Bündnis Sorgearbeit fair teilen
Buchtipp: „Für Sorge – wie Equal Care euer Familienleben rettet“ von Jo Lücke
Eine Übersicht für Unterstützungsangebote bei der Kinderbetreuung von der JMU finden Sie hier.
Part-time trap / proportion of women / men working part-time
Teilzeitquote nach Geschlecht laut Statistischem Bundesamt
Artikel über den Weg aus der Teilzeitfalle und die Ungleichverteilung der Care-Arbeit
Gender Pension Gap
Durchschnittliches Alterseinkommen nach Geschlecht laut Statistischem Bundesamt
Über die geschlechtsspezifischen Unterschiede der Alterseinkünfte
Der Gender Pension Gap im EU-Vergleich laut Statista
Buchtipp: „Ein Mann ist keine Altersvorsorge: Warum finanzielle Unabhängigkeit für Frauen so wichtig ist“ von Helma Sick und Renate Schmidt
Webinar: Teilzeitfalle - wie FRAU trotzdem eine hohe Rente erreichen kann
Do. 10.10., 19:00 bis 20:00 Uhr – online via Zoom
Informationen und Anmeldung finden Sie hier.
Successful female founders
Gründerinnen berichten von ihrem Weg und wie sich Familie und Beruf vereinbaren lassen.
The stories of women in management positions
Buchtipp – „Frauen und ihre Erfolge“ von Jeannette Gräfin Beissel von Gymnich