Deutsch Intern
University Women's Representative

Respekt: Gemeinsam gegen Sexismus

Sexism refers to the degradation of people based on their gender. It affects us all - the Office of the University Women's Representative wants to draw attention to this with the poster exhibition of the alliance "Gemeinsam gegen Sexismus" ("Together against Sexism"). The posters not only contain facts and figures but also basic information to open up the topic to all members of the university. You can find information on when and where the posters will be exhibited at the bottom of this page and in the calendar of events of the Office of the University Women's Representative.


Gemeinsam gegen Sexismus (Together against Sexism)

Since 2020, the alliance “Gemeinsam gegen Sexismus” ("Together against Sexism"), funded by the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (BMFSFJ), has been committed to build a network including a wide range of organizations from public, economic and cultural sectors. In particular, the alliance pursues the goals of creating a safe space for all people, working towards equal opportunities and ensuring that all people can participate in art and culture, actively as artists or as an audience. In these processes, the intersectionality of different forms of discrimination, the entanglement and multiple discrimination, takes on a special significance. Sexism not only affects individuals, but also society as a whole, resulting in negative effects on mental health, further entrenchment of existing stereotypes and inequality. This is precisely why it is so important to be aware of sexist acts and structures and to take a stand against them.


Helpdesk for Sexual Harassment

JMU is also taking action against sexism. With the Helpdesk for Sexual Harassment, the university now offers direct and anonymous advice on sexual harassment for all JMU students and employees, regardless of their gender. This is done online and, if desired, anonymously without disclosing personal data. In the initial consultation, those affected are given the opportunity to assess what they have experienced, find an individual approach to cope and are introduced to possible further action.

Further information can be found on the pages of the helpdesk.

Click here to directly access the helpdesk's online tool.


Current events

04.09.2023, 11 a.m. - 4 p.m. Health Day

This year, the Health Day will take place for all members of the university, including students, for the first time. As part of the annual motto “respect: wertschätzend zusammenarbeiten" ("respect: appreciative cooperation”, the posters of the alliance will also be exhibited there.

The detailed program can be found at:

Organizer: Gesunde Hochschule

Event location: Botanischer Garten, Julius-von-Sachs-Platz 4, 97082 Würzburg


Information & contact points

Violence against Women (Helpline of the Federal Office for Family Affairs and Civil Society Functions)

Phone: 116 016

Homepage Violence against Women Hotline 


Wildwasser e.V.

Theresienstraße 6-8, 97070 Würzburg

Phone: +49 931 13287

Homepage Wildwasser Würzburg


Crisis Intervention in Lower Franconia

Free advice around the clock and in 120 languages, on-site outreach crisis intervention

Phone: 0800-6553000

Homepage Crisis intervention in Lower Franconia 


Weisser Ring e.V. Würzburg (Town and District)

Branch office management Martin Koch

Phone: +49 931 4070927

Homepage Weisser Ring 


Help Hotline for Violence against Men

Phone: 0800 – 1239900

Homepage Help Hotline for Violence against Men 


Counseling Center for Domestic Violence against Men, ISKA Nürnberg

Phone: 0911 – 27299820

Homepage of the Advisory Service in Würzburg