Here you will find information about events in the Environmental Humanities. Recordings and reading lists from past events can be found among our resources.
Guest Lecture & Discussion | Brenda Kauffman "Eerie Echoes of the Silent Spring: Potential Impacts of the Trump Administration on the Environment"
12/02/2024Angebot des Career Centres | Climate Virtual Exchange – Facilitation Training (Fortbildung für Fortgeschrittene: Advanced Training)
03/10/2024Angebot des Career Centres | Climate Virtual Exchange – Facilitation Training (Fortbildung für Anfänger: Introduction to Online Dialogue Facilitation Course)
01/08/2024Im Rahmen des CliVEx-Projekts können Sie sich zu Facilitators (Online-Moderatoren) ausbilden lassen. In zwei Kursen, für Anfänger (ab 8. Jan.) und Fortgeschrittene (ab 10.März), erhalten Sie die Möglichkeit sich im kommunikativen Bereich weiterzubilden, sich selbst intensiv mit Kommunikation und dem Thema Klimawandel/Klimagerechtigkeit auseinanderzusetzen und Dialoge zu diesem und anderen Themen aktiv zu gestalten.
moreNovelist Edna O’Brien has come to be considered Ireland’s greatest living writer after decades of political denunciation and critical dismissal in her homeland since her groundbreaking 1960 Bildungsroman, The Country Girls. Beginning in the late 1990s, her work began to be taken seriously by literary critics. Most of the scholarship in O’Brien Studies since that time has comprised feminist and psychoanalytic studies, valuable work in positioning O’Brien in the canon. Building on that foundation, this lecture will bring more recent theoretical approaches to the fiction, including posthumanism and new materialism, with a focus on her controversial 2002 novel, In the Forest. O’Brien’s fiction draws on a childhood spent in a rural landscape alive with fairy lore and mythology, and her consistent representation of the distinction between the animate and the inanimate as tenuous is at once distinctly Irish and richly receptive to posthuman analysis.
moreParticipants in this online creative writing workshop will come together to draft and workshop stories that take up and transform the question of carbon, rendering encounters with this most critical molecule personal, intimate, and transmissible in new ways. This workshop is presented as a part of the Public Climate School initiative for free and open to the public.
moreHeiße Sommer, fehlende Niederschläge, brennende Wälder, Wirbelstürme, steigende Meeresspiegel – diese und ähnliche Phänomene machen deutlich, dass der Klimawandel auch in unseren Breiten eine der grundlegendsten Herausforderungen im 21. Jahrhundert ist. Allerdings ist die enge Verflechtung von Wetter, Klima, Kultur und Geschichte nicht neu. Auch in vergangenen Jahrhunderten haben Stürme, Vulkanausbrüche oder Klimaveränderungen wie die sog. Kleine Eiszeit erhebliche Auswirkungen auf Gesellschaft, Kultur und Politik gehabt. Das Klima ist längst auch als Forschungsfeld in den Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften angekommen. Doch allzu häufig wird es – Stichwort Klimawandel – als Problem der Gegenwart und Zukunft verstanden. Die Ringvorlesung soll einen Beitrag dazu leisten, Wetter und Klima auch als kulturelle, historische und soziale Phänomene zu verstehen. Gleichzeitig stellt sie die Frage, inwiefern der exemplarische Blick in die Kulturgeschichte des Klimas Modelle für die Bewältigung gegenwärtiger und künftiger Krisen vermitteln kann. Die Ringvorlesung findet jeweils dienstags um 19:30 Uhr im Toscanasaal der Residenz Würzburg (Südflügel, Residenzplatz 2) statt.
moreKickoff | Teaching4Sustainability
07/07/2023Imparting knowledge and competencies on sustainability within university teaching is one of the prerequisites for competently shaping the required socio-ecological transformation in a science-based manner. In Bavaria, legislation assigns education for sustainable development (ESD) to universities as one of their tasks. The transformation experiment "Teaching4Sustainability" in the sustainability laboratory WueLAB at the University of Würzburg will explore ways and means of implementing sustainability topics and higher education for sustainable development in the curricula of all academic subjects. We want to celebrate the start of the transformation experiment together with you on Friday, July 7th 2023, at 2 p.m. in the Lecture Hall of the Graduate School. In addition to a guest lecture by Prof. Dr. Georg Müller-Christ (University of Bremen) on the topic „Von der Ringvorlesung zum Pflichtfach: Die schwierige Reise einer Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung“ ("From lecture series to compulsory subject: The difficult journey of education for sustainable development"), representatives of all members of JMU will have the opportunity to contribute short talks. The event will conclude with a joint discussion. All faculty, students and staff of JMU are cordially invited to participate. Digital participation is possible. Please register for digital participation using the following link:
moreThis is an in-person event that will be conducted in English in Room 6 of the Philosophy Building on the University of Würzburg's Hubland Campus. Please RSVP via to reserve a spot.
moreThis is an online event that will take place in English. Please register via to receive the Zoom link.
moreThe talk will be a hybrid event, conducted in English. Please RSVP if you are able to attend by emailing and specifying how (in person or via Zoom) you would like to attend.
moreThe talk will be an in-person event, available to students only. Please RSVP if you are able to attend by emailing
moreMusic, spirituality and ritual all play powerful roles when it comes to the way we see and experience the spaces and beings around us. This presentation draws on three years of interviews and fieldwork to look at the ways in which a range of different Christian groups have been prompted to moments of musical creativity in response to global crisis.
moreThe talk will be an in-person event, conducted in German. Please RSVP if you are able to attend by emailing
moreIn philosophy and politics, there is a strong emphasis on speaking at the cost of listening, and language at the cost of silence. Speaking and language are in the western tradition furthermore seen as human capacities, and denied to other animals, plants and nature, effectively silencing them in our knowledge systems and political realities. Many of the ecological problems all beings are currently facing are connected to anthropocentrism, as a world view that disconnects humans from the rest of the living world, and as a mode of being in which humans use others for their own profit. Challenging anthropocentrism asks for developing a new attitude as humans. We cannot do this alone: we need to learn to engage differently with the other living beings with whom we share the planet, and centre their perspectives in working towards a different future. First and foremost for their sake, but also for ours. Finding out more about their perspectives asks for rethinking language and speaking in a multispecies context, for attending to their silences, and thus for listening. In my talk I will discuss political listening within and between multispecies communities, drawing on insights from ethology, multispecies ethnography and political animal philosophy. I will also explore political listening to new voices, using Pauline Oliveros’ concept deep listening as a starting point.