Deutsch Intern
Research Academy


Within JMU, many different units offer counselling, coaching and mentoring for academics. This page is intended to provide you with an overview of all current offers. The Staff Development team is always happy to provide you with assistance itself, or otherwise to refer you to the right offices within JMU.

First contact

The staff development department will be happy to accompany and advise you individually and we would be pleased if you contact us directly at any time. We will discuss on the phone or in a personal initial meeting what issues currently arise for you and evaluate possible measures and ways to set short-, medium- or long-term goals together with you. We may be the right contact for these issues. There is also the possibility that other service institutions within JMU are better suited. We know the respective colleagues and will personally refer you to the appropriate office if necessary.

Defining your goals

This process reveals areas of development that you can cover with consultations, coaching or even workshops. If necessary, we will work together to find the right place within JMU that can best help you with your needs. A mentoring interview or program may also be the right option for you. We are familiar with all the programs and will be happy to help you choose one if necessary. It is important for all of the Research Academy's cooperation partners not to define any structures in advance, but to deal with each request individually and to find the right solution or development approach together with you.

Counselling & Coaching Services

Carreer Counseling & Coaching | Academic Staff Development

  • Professional orientation & career planning (for positions in science as well as in companies)
  • Leadership and supervision in science
  • Character development
  • Time & self-management
  • and related topics

Target group: all researchers

start@JMU | Coaching for Newly Appointed Professors | Staff Development

  • Up to five individual coaching sessions
  • External coaches
  • Contents and topics remain absolutely confidential
  • Financed by the staff development
  • Your individual topics - you design the process flexible in terms of time and place

target group: newly appointed professors

Consultation on the topic of research funding |
RAC, SFT, IZKF > Research Funding Portal

  • Support in the development of research projects
  • Communication with funding bodies
  • Review of draft proposals and detailed feedback, preparation of draft texts on cross-cutting issues
  • Advice on the implementation of recommendations from expert reports
  • Coordination with responsible offices (e.g. gender equality, finance)
  • Review of draft proposals and detailed feedback
  • Accompaniment of evaluation procedures or strategy discussions

Target group: all researchers


Conflict Couseling | Conflict Management

As an independent contact point for employees and managers, the Conflict Counselling Centre informs and advises employees of the University of Würzburg on how to deal with conflicts. Furthermore, it also provides support on issues relating to the prevention of conflicts and in cases of psychological stress.

Target group: all researchers

Consultation by the University Women's Representative

  • Family-friendly work
  • Equality in science
  • Help in cases of sexual harassment
  • Gender Consulting

Target group: all female researchers

[Translate to Englisch:] Büro der Universitätsfrauenbeauftragten

SCIENTIA Coaching | Office of Women's Representative

SCIENTIA Coaching strengthens leadership competence on an individual basis and prepares female researchers for their first professorship. This process-oriented form of counseling encourages self reflection of all issues correlating with one's professional identity.

Target group: female postdoctoral researchers, private lecturers, junior professors, (junior) group leaders

Consultation on good scientific practice

  • Ombudspersons support you in case of problems or if you need advice
  • Guidelines to ensure good scientific practice and to deal with scientific misconduct

Target group: all researchers

[Translate to Englisch:] Pressestelle

Interview Coaching | Press Office

As a scientist, you may often receive requests from media representatives for interviews. The Press and Public Relations Office can help you to deal with such situations in a confident and professional manner and will therefore be happy to advise you personally. Please contact us if necessary!

Target group: all researchers, especially professors

Start-up consultation | SFT

  • Support in applying for suitable funding programmes (e.g. EXIST, Flügge)
  • Coaching and workshops on all start-up-related topics
  • Support with business model development and market strategies
  • Information on protective rights at the university and how to use them together with our invention advisory service
  • Mediation of strategically important partners for the growth of your company through our regional and national network.

Target group: PhD students and postdocs

Addiction Counselling

  • Information and counselling on dealing with alcohol, psychotropic medication, illegal drugs and related problems (eating disorders, excessive internet use, gambling addiction)
  • Dealing with those affected
  • Establishing contact with other counselling facilities and therapeutic treatments
  • Active support in returning to work

Target group: all researchers

Work Reintegration

  • Employees who have been unfit for work for a long period of time get the opportunity to discuss their work reintegration.
  • The aim is to jointly find solutions to facilitate their return to work and to prevent the recurrence of long-term absence.

Target group: all employees

What do I need?
Who can help me?

You are not sure which program is suitable for you or who can help you within JMU? Do not hesitate to contact the members of the staff development team. They may not always be the people who can help you acutely, but they are very well networked within JMU and can usually identify the person who can help you very quickly.

Contact the staff development!

Mentoring Opportunities for Researchers at JMU

Mentoring | Cooperation of Staff Development & Alumni Office

  • Personality development
  • Professional orientation & career planning
  • Internationalization & networking

Target group: young researchers (doctoral students and postdocs)

MENTORING life sciences

  • The program supports young female scientists on their way towards the upper echelons of academia.
  • PhD students learn to appreciate their strengths and mitigate the weaknesses women typically struggle with in science.
  • Personal mentors help with guidance in phases of uncertainty or doubt.

Target group: female doctoral researchers

SCIENTIA Mentoring

  • For all JMU faculties
  • Promotion of qualified junior staff
  • Promotion of opportunities for women
  • Increasing quality and competitiveness

Target group: doctoral and postdoctoral researchers


  • The duration per round is 2 years.

Target group: medical doctors, postdocs from other disciplines, postdoctoral researchers working in the medical sector