X-ray source: MicroMax-007HF (Microfocus Rotating Anode X-ray generator)
- Provider: Rigaku
- Cu target
- Effective focus at 6° (circle): 70 µm
- Brilliance: 31.2 kW/mm2
- Maximum rated power: 1200 W
- Tube voltage output range: 20 - 50 kV
- Tube current output range: 10 - 30 mA
Optics: Osmic Parabolic CMF - Provider: Rigaku
- Guarantee flux: 4.27E+08 photons/s
- Kβ/Kα ratio: 1.06E-04
- FWHM of divergence: 1.50 arc min
Collimation system: ACM-C8-3SL01-A - Provider: Xenocs
- 3 motorized stages with each 4 individually movable blades (-/+ 12.5 mm)
- Hybrid blade design (single crystal edge on metal base)
- Maximal opening: 20 mm
- Accuracy: 3 µm
Detector: TimePix - Provider: X-ray Imaging Europe (XIE)
- Semiconductor sensor material: Si
- Pixel size: 55 µm
- Pixel matrix: 256x256
- Energy threshold: pixel wise with 4 bits
- Arbitrarily choosing of exposure times
- 13 bit counter per pixel
- 3 modes:
- Single particle counting - Time over threshold - Arrival time
| Vacuum chambersystem: - Provider: Xenocs (system designed according our needs)
- Vacuum
- Pump: SCROLLVAC SC 5 D - Provider: Oerlikon Leybold - Discharge pressure: 5E-02 mbar - Speed: 5 m3 - Dimensions:
- Collimation Stage CS1 to CS2: 800 mm; CS2 to CS3: 500 mm - Sample chamber: 250 x 250 mm, 300 mm height; with vacuum inlet, lockable with gate valves - Detector chamber: ∅ 300 mm, length 3000 mm. - Axes:
- Motorized detector stage (0 - 2690 mm) - Sample stage: TX (+/- 20 mm), TY (+/- 12.5 mm), RZ (+/- 180°)
Contact person | Location |
| - Chair of X-ray Microscopy