Deutsch Intern

JMU Mobility Fellowship

What is the purpose of the programme?

This funding enables early career researchers to spend 1 up to 3 months at a research institution abroad. During their stay, they have the opportunity to learn a new method and/or skill, which they should implement at JMU upon their return.

Who can apply?

  • Doctoral candidates
  • Postdoctoral researchers
  • Habilitation candidates
  • Junior research group leaders
  • Junior professors (pay grade W1)

Maximum funding per project

Max. funding sum: €15,000

Funding can be used for the following types of costs:

  • Travel expenses
  • Accomodation costs
  • Additional costs due to special circumstances
  • Material costs (in exceptions)

How is it financed?

50 % of the requested sum is to be contributed by decentralized funds (i.e. faculty/institute/chair), while 50 % is provided centrally by the university.

A written commitment regarding the co-financing of the requested funds with corresponding account allocation must be attached to the application.

Upcoming deadline

  • 17 March 2025
  • 30 June 2025
  • 16 September 2025
  • 2 December 2025

How do I apply?

Please only the proposal template provided our Filing Cabinet and submit all supporting documents as one PDF file (max. 10 MB) via email to the Research Advancement Centre at The proposals must include the following contents:

  • Application form (see template in the Filing Cabinet)
  • CV (3 pages max.)
  • Co-financing commitment letter from the respective faculty, institute, or chair
  • Letter of support from the host institution

The university board advises and decides on the submitted applications. After the decision, the applicants will be notified in writing.

Expense report

Applicants must submit an expense report no later than 6 months after their return.