Deutsch Intern
    SPP1316 - Host-adapted Metabolism of Bacterial Pathogens (2008-2017)


    inGeno allows rapid comparison between two genomes including genome rearrangement, species specific island and protein functions.

    Download: inGeno


    1. Dot-analysis and plot the results
    2. User-friendly comparison interface
    3. Gene information retrieval.
    4. Linear regression and heuristic locus collinear blocks (LCB) recognition process
    5. Pseudo-positive orthologous genes reducing procedure (low-noise control)
    6. Color clusters re-definition using easy-used control panel.
    7. Text-mining operations helpful for precisely extracting the gene information.
    8. A sequence conversion tool which can transform rich-format genome sequence files into proteome multi-FASTA format files, which is suitable for making a BLAST or Smith-Waterman analysis.
    9. Paracel GeneMatcher alignment report is supported, which make sense to obtain ideal sensitive results rapidly.

    Contact information:

    Prof. Dr. Thomas Dandekar:

    Opens external link in new windowDr. Chunguang Liang


    Tel.: +49 (0)931 318 4551
    Tel.: +49 (0)931 318 4561
    Fax: +49 (0)931 318 4552

    Post: Bioinformatics Dept., Biocenter Am Hubland, University of Wuerzburg, Germany
    PLZ: D-97074