Deutsch Intern
Global Systems and intercultural Competence

Judging and Globalization - Why turn to Comparative Law?


Die Juristische Fakultät lädt ganz herzlich zu diesem englischen Vortrag von Dr. Yoram Danziger (Richter am Supreme Court von Israel) ein. Der Vortrag findet am 18. Juli um 15 Uhr (c.t.) in der Alten Universität, HS 2 statt.

Lecture by Dr. Yoram Danziger (Justice at the Supreme Court of Israel)

Ongoing globalization has had animpact on every aspect of our lives and our society. This includes the judicial system. Lawyers and judges alike are being challenged by laws and rulings from all over the world arising within the contexts of continual internationalisation as well as ethnic and religious pluralism characteristic of modern societies. The State of Israel, due to the country’s complex sociocultural structure and its hybrid legal system, is exposed to these developments to an exceptional degree.

In his lecture, Justice Dr. Yoram Danziger will discuss cases where globalization was a significant issue before the court, and explain his views of the underlying debate.

Der Vortrag kann als ein GSiK Vortragsschein angerechnet werden und findet im Rahmen der Summer School "International Conference and Summer School on German Criminal Law and Information Technology Law" statt.
