Certificates for Intercultural Competence
Intercultural competence is indispensable in everyday life and at work. As a willingness to engage with new things and the individuality of each person again and again, it creates openness and tolerance, and makes us capable of communicating and acting. Topics such as racism and discrimination, flight and migration, cultures and their encounter and gender are part of the debate.
All events are assigned to specific areas. This makes the GSiK certificates transparent for employers and thus even more valuable for you.
Area A: Basics of Interculturality
Introduction to interculturality and basic concepts of interculturality (e.g. culture, strangeness, identity, collectivity, heterogeneity/diversity, discrimination)
Area B: Global Systems
Global systems from a societal, technological, medical, economic, biological and ecological point of view
Area C: Discipline-specific Interculturality
Discipline-specific theories and fields of application of intercultural competences
Area D: Culture-specific Competence
Culture-specific knowledge and competences (e.g. culture-specific courses on nation, gender, disability, age, religion; Semester/Internship abroad; Foreign languages)
Area E: Interdisciplinary Studies
For the E area, you can have courses from all disciplines that are not involved in your department accredited.
It is best to make a note on your personal overview, for which GSiK areas you want to credit the individual events.
For courses before winter semester 17/18: All courses up to and including summer semester 2017 can be credited for areas A, B, C or D (own choice). For area E, you still have to have attended a non-subject-specific course.