International Environment - History and Politics of Adult Learning and Education (Theoretische Grundlagen, Geschichte und gesellschaftlich Bedingungen von EB/WB)
Date: | 10/19/2021, 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM |
Category: | Blockseminare, B, C |
Location: | Hubland Nord, Geb. 63, Raum 00.212 |
Organizer: | Professur für Erwachsenenbildung/Weiterbildung // Fachbereich: Pädagogik |
Speaker: | Prof. Dr. Balázs Németh |
This course will provide an insight to the development of institutions, organisations and movements of modern Adult Education. Also, the course will elaborate upon the political and policy contexts of adult education in the scope of relevant international environment of adult learning and education. A special focus and attention will be turned to international organisations to be rendered into specific groups upon their particular attributes, goals and approaches to adult education and learning. Another aspect will be connected to historical and political dimensions of adult education regarding social roles versus economic tools. Moreover, the course will highlight challenging issues of vulnerable groups of adults as target of adult education in the scope of Sustainable Development Goals and of UNESCO CONFINTEA principles on equity, equality and inclusion. Students will be involved in some digitally supported on-line activities as an additional thematic Zoom Webinar, a group work to discuss the roles of a selected international organisation referring to an identified topic of Adult and Lifelong Learning. This will be supported by OpenWueCampus Moodle and WueMahara platforms.
For more information and registration please visit WueStudy.