Deutsch Intern
Global Systems and intercultural Competence

Virtual Exchange: Global Circle "Artificial Intelligence and Human Ethics"

Date: 10/14/2024, 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Category: Demokratie & soziale Gerechtigkeit, Kulturen & deren Begegnung, Lecture in English, Zertifikat Interkulturelle Kompetenz, B, Seminar
Location: Virtuelles Seminar
Organizer: Career Centre // Fachbereich: fächerübergreifend
Speaker: Sabine Mewis

Dieser Global Circle findet vom14. Oktober bis zum 25. Oktober statt. Das Thema, das in dem Kurs erörtert werden soll, ist:
Artificial Intelligence and Human Ethics
Should there be regulations to limit usage of AI technology? What is our responsibility when using AI? How do we ensure equal access and ownership between Global North and Global South? And what is our future role as humans?

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