Deutsch Intern
India Competence Centre


Researchers at Würzburg Indology are engaged in several projects exploring literature and sources in classical and modern Indian languages. The research emphasizes the intellectual and cultural history of the Indian subcontinent from late antiquity to the present, as well as the historical development of Indology as an academic discipline. For details on individual projects, please visit our website.

Third-party funded projects

The Proto-Śāradā Project: Towards the edition of a new collection of administrative letters and documents from pre-modern South Asia (2024-2027)

The project will pave the ground for accessing a comprehensive collection of administrative documents and letters from pre-modern India. A preliminary study of the format, terminology, and content of these documents will create the conditions for the future complete edition of the collection. In order to evaluate its importance for the social, economic, and cultural history of the Indian North-West, the project will also cover other so far understudied fields: For the first time, inscriptions and manuscripts written in the Proto-Śāradā script will be systematically collected, studied and used for creating a reliable paleography of the Proto-Śāradā script in the different periods and spaces of its use. The envisaged revision of the entire inscriptional corpus will provide a comprehensive edition of Proto-Śāradā inscriptions that represent an important source for the history of the Indian North-West in the 6th to 10th c. CE. Written objects will be consequently studied with regard to their material and historical contexts.

For more information see here.

M.S. Merian-R. Tagore International Centre for Advanced Study

Under the auspices of the Chair of Indology, in collaboration with the Institute of Political Science and Sociology (Department of International Relations and European Studies), JMU actively participates in the M.S. Merian–R. Tagore International Centre for Advanced Studies: Metamorphoses of the Political (ICAS:MP).
For more information, please visit:

The following book was recently published as part of the ICAS:MP.

This book critically examines assumptions about age, women, and gender. Amidst all the attention that has been granted to difference and inequality, however uneven and unsatisfactory in terms of class and caste, race and ethnicity, sexuality and gender, disability, religion, and nation, questions of age and its importance for feminism have been less well defined.

To the book Querying Childhood: Feminist Reframings

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